News & events Keep up with the latest news from the SCORE consortium! All AllCCLLsEventsGeneral NewsLatest postsNewsletter SCORE third newsletter – January 2023 READ MORE about SCORE third newsletter – January 2023 The SCORE Co-Creation toolkit is now available READ MORE about The SCORE Co-Creation toolkit is now available Release of the SCOREā€™s Ecosystem-based Adaptation catalogue READ MORE about Release of the SCOREā€™s Ecosystem-based Adaptation catalogue The SCORE ICT Platform is ready for its testing phase READ MORE about The SCORE ICT Platform is ready for its testing phase Engaging the younger generation in designing our cities with Minecraft READ MORE about Engaging the younger generation in designing our cities with Minecraft Mapping of coastal cities exposure and vulnerability to climate effects and sea level rise READ MORE about Mapping of coastal cities exposure and vulnerability to climate effects and sea level rise Webinar: Co-creation and Co-Design – Examples for Nature-Based Solutions in Cities READ MORE about Webinar: Co-creation and Co-Design – Examples for Nature-Based Solutions in Cities Webinar: The potential of Ecosystem-based Adaptation in coastal areas READ MORE about Webinar: The potential of Ecosystem-based Adaptation in coastal areas SCORE is featured in the new Seaā€™ties Regional Report READ MORE about SCORE is featured in the new Seaā€™ties Regional Report Bright Night in Pisa READ MORE about Bright Night in Pisa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Loading...