The Advisory Board plays an important role in guiding our research and innovation project. It is designed to serve as a sounding board and is considered to have a consultative function. The strategic guidance and expertise provided by the Advisory Board fosters knowledge exchange between the SCORE Consortium and relevant stakeholders and provides valuable input to the project activities.

Professor Michael W. Beck is the AXA Chair in Coastal Resilience in the Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of California Santa Cruz. Mike aims to reduce risks to people, property and nature in his work across science, policy and practice. Mike served for 20 years as Lead Marine Scientist at The Nature Conservancy. He has advised government agencies in the US, Germany, UK, EU, Philippines, Jamaica, and Grenada among others. He has collaborated with many global agencies and companies including the World Bank, AXA XL, Munich Re, Swiss Re, Lloyd’s of London, and Risk Management Solutions. Mike has authored more than 85 peer-reviewed scientific papers and numerous Op-eds in the LA Times, NY Times, CNN, The Hill, and the Miami Herald. He has been a Fulbright Fellow and Pew Marine Conservation Fellow. You can find more on his work at

Gonéri Le Cozannet is a research scientist and project manager at BRGM (French Geological Survey) since 2006. His research activities focus on recent and future coastal impacts of climate change, such as coastal erosion and flooding. He now contributes to the development of climate services to support coastal adaptation to sea-level rise in mainland France, overseas regions and territories (e.g., Guadeloupe, Polynesia, St Pierre and Miquelon), and other countries (e.g., Maldives). He currently coordinates the H2020 project CoCliCo ( and contributes to H2020-PROTECT ( He is the Lead Author of the forthcoming IPCC WG2 6th Assessment report on impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability.

Isabella Baer-Eiselt has been Director of the European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (EU-CONEXUS) since September 2019. She holds a master’s degree in business administration and trade studies and a doctoral degree in political sciences. She has done research on theories of European policies and integration before working for European and international scientific cooperation at Ministries in Austria and France. She was national delegate to various European programme committees for research funding and infrastructures. She has also assisted in setting up collaborative research projects in social sciences and humanities.

Paolo Ciavola is a Full Professor of Coastal Dynamics and Geomorphology in the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences of the University of Ferrara, where he teaches Physical Geography and Geomorphology, Coastal Risk, GIS and Remote Sensing, River Dynamics. His current main research interests include coastal processes, the impact of climate change on coastal morphology, the role of extreme storm events in generating coastal risk, river delta and estuarine dynamics, sedimentation in coastal lagoons. He is currently on the Editorial Board of Continental Shelf Research and previously served for the Journal of Coastal Research, and the Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management of Portuguese Speaking Countries. He was an expert reviewer of the IPCC WGII AR5 report- Europe Chapter and is currently a Science Officer of the European Geoscience Union for the Natural Hazard sub-group. Recently he has published for Wiley two books dealing with coastal storms (Management of the Effects of Coastal Storms: Policy, Scientific and Historical Perspectives; Coastal Storms: Processes and Impacts). Currently he is contributing to the H2020 project ECFAS: A Proof-Of-Concept for the Implementation of a European Copernicus Coastal Flood Awareness System.

Mel Woods is Chair of Creative Intelligence and Professor of Design and Making at the University of Dundee, UK. Her research interests are at the intersection of creativity, technology, action-research and social innovation. Her research has addressed a number of critical environment challenges, through the H2020 Making Senseproject in which she addressed issues of air quality and noise pollution in urban settings. She also led the H2020 GROW Observatory research project, having the vision to support the emergence of a movement of citizens generating, sharing and using information on growing food, soil health and issues relating to the climate crisis. Her current external roles include member of UNFCCC Technology Advisory Group for Resilience Frontiers 2022 and UKRI Digital Economy Peer Review College.