Other publications

In addition to scientific publications, the SCORE project also writes and contributes to other types of publications.

Policy Briefs - European level

When will a 2-meter rise in sea level occur, and how might we adapt?

A 2-meter sea-level rise is almost inevitable, only the timing remains uncertain, and will strongly impact European coastlines. Europe and National States recognise that coastal adaptation is an on-going process that involves short-term actions, long-term planning and strategic thinking.

This policy brief was prepared together with the CoCliCo and PROTECT projects and presented at the COP27 in November 2022.

ADAPT4COAST - Integrated strategies for climate resilience in EU coastal cities

This joint policy brief presents critical findings from the Adapt4Coast Cluster, aiming to increase climate resilience in European coastal areas by using an integrated solution of smart technologies and nature-based solutions.

Research findings offer crucial insights for government climate policy, spanning climate vulnerability assessments, climate modelling, coastal restoration, enhanced monitoring via low-cost sensors and satellite data, and stakeholder engagement through the living lab model.

Joint Policy Recommendations on Climate Adaptation from European Coastal Cities

Prepared as an outcome of the SCORE workshop at the Open Living Lab Days 2023, this policy brief highlights the most important policy recommendations from each of the ten living labs, based on years of research, experimentation, and collaboration, in order to build sustainable and resilient cities/regions across Europe.
It helps showcase the extensive reach of the research being conducted within SCORE and partner projects across ten diverse European regions, indicating the scalability of this research model.

Policy Briefs - Local level

Sligo, Ireland

Building Climate Resilience in Sligo County through Ecosystem-based Adaptation, Smart Technologies, and Coastal City Living Lab

The SCORE project has been conducting research on building coastal resilience in the face of coastal hazards, sea-level rise and coastal erosion in Sligo County (Ireland), through the Coastal City Living Lab, Ecosystem-based Adaptation, Citizen Science and Smart Technologies like Low-Cost Sensors and Digital Twin.

This document presents a policy brief for Sligo County Council decision makers from the lessons learned so far from the SCORE results.

Oeiras, Portugal

Heatwaves in Portugal: Understanding, Mitigation, Adaptation

This policy brief summarises a comprehensive analysis of heatwaves in mainland Portugal from October 1980 to September 2021. The results emphasise the urgent need for effective adaptation and mitigation strategies to alleviate the negative impacts of extreme temperatures on public health, agriculture, energy consumption, and ecosystem functioning. Additionally, recommendations for climate capacity building and raising public awareness are highlighted.

Reports & Other publications

Sea’ties Regional Report

SCORE is featured in the “Sea’ties Regional Report – Adaptating Coastal Cities and Territories to Sea Level Rise in the Mediterranean Region, Challenges and Best Practices”.

This report is published with the support of the City of Marseille, Plan Bleu and MedECC. The SCORE project and its Coastal Cities Living Labs (CCLLs) are one of two case studies presented in the report (see page 26-27).

Climate Adaptation Mission Report

SCORE is featured in the “EU Missions to address climate change in cities and regions" report.

This project info pack is published by the European Commission. The SCORE project is presented in the "Supporting resilient communities" section (see page 22-23).