News & events Keep up with the latest news from the SCORE consortium! All AllCCLLsEventsGeneral NewsLatest postsNewsletter Webinar: From Global to Local scale: Predicting the effects of climate change on coastal cities READ MORE about Webinar: From Global to Local scale: Predicting the effects of climate change on coastal cities Adapt4Coast: 4 EU projects join forces to enhance climate change adaptation READ MORE about Adapt4Coast: 4 EU projects join forces to enhance climate change adaptation Dive into the world of Ecosystem-Based Approaches with our newest online course READ MORE about Dive into the world of Ecosystem-Based Approaches with our newest online course Raising students’ awareness with the Smart Pebbles Workshop READ MORE about Raising students’ awareness with the Smart Pebbles Workshop First SCORE online course is now available READ MORE about First SCORE online course is now available SCORE at the 10th EuroGOOS International Conference READ MORE about SCORE at the 10th EuroGOOS International Conference Webinar: Collecting and managing environmental data: the SCORE ICT Platform READ MORE about Webinar: Collecting and managing environmental data: the SCORE ICT Platform Meet SCORE at the Open Living Lab Days READ MORE about Meet SCORE at the Open Living Lab Days SCORE fourth newsletter – July 2023 READ MORE about SCORE fourth newsletter – July 2023 SCORE workshop at the Open Living Lab Days READ MORE about SCORE workshop at the Open Living Lab Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Loading...