On the influence of the vertical variability on the Earth-to-satellite communication link rain retrieval

open book

On the influence of the vertical variability on the Earth-to-satellite communication link rain retrieval   SCORE project partners from UNIPI, MBI,  LAMMA and CNR presented a paper at the 3rd URSI Atlantic and Asia Pacific Radio Science Meeting. It is available in open access.  Abstract In the last two decades, several studies exploited opportunistic microwave signals…

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Nourishment or maintenance. Are they the solution to coastal erosion? Case study Poniente Beach (Benidorm)

open book

SCORE project partners from the University of Alicante presented a paper at the XVI Jornadas españolas de ingeniería de Costas y Puertos. It is available in open access.  Abstract Coastal erosion is a natural phenomenon that is becoming a growing problem along coastlines around the world. In this research, the evolution of Poniente Beach, Benidorm…

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Rainfall Field Reconstruction by Opportunistic Use of the Rain-Induced Attenuation on Microwave Satellite Signals

open book

Rainfall Field Reconstruction by Opportunistic Use of the Rain-Induced Attenuation on Microwave Satellite Signals: The July 2021 Extreme Rain Event in Germany as a Case Study   SCORE project partners from UNIPI, MBI and CNR presented a paper at the 2022 IEEE 2nd Ukrainian Microwave Week. It is available in open access.  Abstract This paper…

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Design Criteria for Precipitation Measurement Systems based on Satellite Downlink Monitoring

open book

SCORE project partners from UNIPI and MBI have published a conference paper in the European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology. It is available in open access.  Abstract Thunderstorms pose threats to life and property in multiple ways, including lightning, hail, heavy rainfall and strong winds. Since those hazards are all caused by strong…

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Conceptualising the management of climate extreme events through the GIS-based digital twin system

open book

SCORE project partners from ATU have published a conference paper in the EGU General Assembly 2022. It is available in open access.  Abstract Climate change has been recognised for decades, and environmental risks related to it are expected to become more common over time as the world’s population continues to grow. This tendency is compounded…

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Challenges in retrieving and using climate services’ data for local-scale impact studies: insights from the SCORE project

open book

SCORE project partners from ATU, CNR and UNIPI have published a conference paper in the EGU General Assembly 2022. It is available in open access.  Abstract The demand for tailored climate data by different users is growing worldwide together with the awareness of the challenges posed to society and the environment by climate change. The…

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Hydrologic Regime of the Torysa River Basin

open book

SCORE project partners, TUKE and UG have published a paper in the Conference proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering (WMHE 2022). It is available in open access. Abstract Climate change brings the occurrence of flash floods from extreme rainfall and then the increasingly frequent occurrence of dry periods, which…

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Assessment and adaptation to climate change and sea level rise impacts on Egypt’s northern coasts

open book

SCORE project partners, TUKE and UG have published a paper in the OP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. It is available in open access. Abstract Climate change and sea level rise (SLR) represent many challenges for coastal areas such as coastal erosion and saltwater intrusion (SWI). This study aims to highlight the effect of…

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