SCORE at the European Week of Regions and Cities

SCORE is participating in the European Week of Regions and Cities, taking place in Brussels on October 7-10, 2024!

In particular, we are organising a panel session on “Empowering Communities: Smart Tech & Citizen Science for Sustainable Futures” on Thursday, October 10, from 9:30am to 10:30am (CET) at the Albert Borschette Congress Center, room AB-4A. 

The panel will be constituted of SCORE partners’s experts from ATU Sligo, MBI srl and the City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú representing the quadruple helix (citizens, policymakers, academia and private organisations). They will discuss how people with affordable smart tech can collaborate with various stakeholders to tackle local challenges like sustainable cities and greening initiatives. Citizen science and digital tools will be explored, showcasing communities’ contributions to regional development goals for climate-resilient regions.

We will also be present with a booth where we will showcase main challenges and solutions developed by our CCLLs to tackle climate change, as well as tools developed to enhance citizen engagement (catalogue of low-cost sensors), improve climate monitoring and projections (digital twin) and facilitate knowledge sharing (co-creation toolkit). 

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