Adapt4Coast Webinar: Tools to enhance climate change adaptation in coastal areas


Climate change has severe impacts on coastal areas and communities, such as: social and economic damage; Property and infrastructure damage; Coastal submersion and erosion; Threats on human health and safety; Loss of coastal wetlands and biodiversity. Coastal resilience is thus a key environmental mitigation strategy. 

Teaming up as the Adapt4Coast Cluster, 4 EU-funded projects (SCORE, CoCliCo, PROTECT, REST-COAST) have joined forces with the aim of enhancing climate resilience in European coastal areas. In this webinar, representatives of the four projects will present some of the tools and platforms under development to help communities plan smart adaptation strategies and play an active role in tackling climate-related challenges. We will also present the Adapt4Coast joint policy brief including critical findings and valuable insights for government climate policy. 

Date & Time

Tuesday, 21 May 2024, from 10:00am to 11:30am (CEST)


  • 10:00 – 10:05: Introduction and presentation of the Adapt4Coast cluster – Laura De Nale, Euronovia, France
  • 10:05 – 10:20: SCORE participative tools to address local needs: the EbA catalogue and the low-cost sensors catalogue – Mar Riera, ENT, Spain & Tasneem Ahmed, ATU, Ireland [EbA CatalogueLow-cost sensors catalogues]
  • 10:20 – 11:35: CoCliCo Coastal Climate Risk web platform – Gonéri Le Cozannet, BRGM, France
  • 10:35 – 11:50: The PROTECT sea-level projection tool – Anne Chapuis, Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement (IGE), France [Presentation]
  • 10:50 – 11:05: Towards restored and better managed coastal ecosystems: REST-COAST’s solutions for preservation of large-scale ecosystems – Boris Barov, Pensoft, Bulgaria
  • 11:05 – 11:15: Adapt4Coast joint policy brief – Ananya Tiwari, ATU, Ireland [Policy briefs]
  • 11:15 – 11:30: Q&A and closing remarks


Past webinars organised by the SCORE project on a similar topic:

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