Design Criteria for Precipitation Measurement Systems based on Satellite Downlink Monitoring
SCORE project partners from UNIPI and MBI have published a conference paper in the European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology. It is available in open access. Abstract Thunderstorms pose threats to life and property in multiple ways, including lightning, hail, heavy rainfall and strong winds. Since those hazards are all caused by strong…
Read MoreConceptualising the management of climate extreme events through the GIS-based digital twin system
SCORE project partners from ATU have published a conference paper in the EGU General Assembly 2022. It is available in open access. Abstract Climate change has been recognised for decades, and environmental risks related to it are expected to become more common over time as the world’s population continues to grow. This tendency is compounded…
Read MoreChallenges in retrieving and using climate services’ data for local-scale impact studies: insights from the SCORE project
SCORE project partners from ATU, CNR and UNIPI have published a conference paper in the EGU General Assembly 2022. It is available in open access. Abstract The demand for tailored climate data by different users is growing worldwide together with the awareness of the challenges posed to society and the environment by climate change. The…
Read MoreExtreme climate change hazards and impacts on European coastal cities: a review
SCORE project partners from UCC have published a paper in the RSER Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews journal. It is available in open access. Abstract The intensification of extreme events due climate change and sea-level rise are major challenges to be urgently addressed by Europe’s coastal cities. Coastal hazards have the potential to cause significant…
Read MoreA feasibility study on opportunistic rainfall measurement from satellite TV broadcasts
SCORE project partners from UNIPI, MBI, CNR, LAMMA have published a paper in the URSI Radio Science Letters (RSL) journal. It is available in open access. Abstract Rainfall precipitation maps are usually derived based on the measurements collected by classical weather devices, such as rain gauges and weather stations. This article aims to show the…
Read MoreScientometric review of climate change extreme impacts on coastal cities
SCORE project partners from UCC have published a paper in the Nature Climate Change journal. It is available in open access. Abstract The generalised sea level and temperature rise, along with the increasing frequency and intensity of storms and temperature extremes, trigger a variety of climate-change-related impacts on coastal communities, such as coastal flooding and…
Read MoreDevelopment and calibration of a low-cost, piezoelectric rainfall sensor through Machine Learning
SCORE project partners from CNR-ISAC and Lamma have published a paper in the MDPI Sensors journal. It is available in open access. Abstract In situ measurements of precipitation are typically obtained by tipping bucket or weighing rain gauges or by disdrometers using different measurement principles. One of the most critical aspects of their operational use…
Read MoreA New Approach towards a User-Driven Coastal Climate Service to Enhance Climate Resilience in European Cities
SCORE project partners from CNR-ISAC, ATU, Lamma, UNIPI, ZRS, UCD and UCC have published a paper in the Sustainability journal. It is available in open access. Abstract Climate change resilience for urban coastal communities is a pressing matter considering hazards like sea-level rise, coastal flooding and erosion. Adapting to such changes and creating climate change…
Read MoreChallenges for planning climate resilience through the co-creation living lab approach in the Mediterranean coastal town of Piran
SCORE project partner ZRS has published a paper in the Journal for Geography. It is available in open access. Abstract Climate change resilience for urban coastal communities is a pressing matter considering hazards like sea-level rise, coastal flooding and erosion. Adapting to such changes and creating climate change resilience should be an all-stakeholder process. This…
Read MoreBuilding Climate Resilience in Coastal City Living Labs Using Ecosystem-Based Adaptation: A Systematic Review
SCORE project partners, ATU and ENT have published a paper in the Sustainability journal. It is available in open access. Abstract Climate change leads to an unequivocal rise in the intensity and frequency of natural disasters. This necessitates mainstreaming of climate adaptation strategies in the global movement on climate action. Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EBA) has become…
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