Atlantic Technological University Sligo (ATU), Ireland
Coordination team

Salem S. Gharbia is the leader of the H2020 SCORE project. He is also a Lecturer in Water Science and a Principal Investigator at ATU Sligo. Water resources, climate change and integrated environmental systems modelling with Geographic Information System (GIS) are his main fields of interest.  Dr. Gharbia has excelled and been distinguished in all his studies, and he has received many awards and grants such as Trinity College's prestigious Ussher award for his novel PhD research. Dr. Gharbia has over 40 research publications in the last five years, and he secured circa Euro 11M in research funding over the previous 5 years. LinkedIn profileÂ

Iulia Anton is the Project Manager of the H2020 SCORE Project. Her expertise fields are wave modelling in the ocean and coastal environment, renewable energy in the marine environment, wind energy, environmental protection, and data analysis. Dr Anton holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, an MSc in Computer Science, two BSc’s in Environmental Protection and Engineering, and Mathematics and Computer Science, and a Higher Diploma in Data Analytics at NUI, Galway. Dr. Anton has over 25 publications and serves on the MDPI Energies Journal reviewer board. Linkedin Profile

Frances Lucy is Head of Department of Environmental Science and a long-term researcher at the Atlantic Technological University, Sligo. Frances became Head of Department in 2016, managing the dynamics of both long established and developing courses. As an aquatic biologist, she focusses on ecology and invasive species. Frances is Project Lead with UKCEH for EU Commission project on “Understanding and Communicating Invasive species” 2019-2022 and Project partner for Interreg IVa “Collaborative Actions for the Natura Network” 2017- 2022.  She encourages the development of research and researchers through her roles as Director of the CERIS research centre at IT Sligo, as Council Member of the ESAI and as President of Invasivesnet. Frances is also on the Advisory Committee for Ireland's EPA  and is a  Board Member of Inland Fisheries Ireland and of the Loughs Agency. She is involved in many international scientific networks to develop, review and enhance invasive species research and policy outputs. Linkedin Profile

Leo Creedon is a Senior Lecturer in ATU Sligo's Faculty of Engineering and Design and is Co-Director of IT Sligo’s Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Intelligent Systems for Health and Environment (MISHE). He is Vice-President of the Irish Mathematical Society and a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, Poland. He applies mathematical thinking to understand and solve problems in algebra, health, mathematical biology, medical technology, environmental sciences, and ICT. Linkedin Profile

Marion McAfee is a Senior Lecturer in Systems and Control Engineering in the Department of Mechatronic Engineering. Her research interests are in sensing, modelling, and control of complex systems with applications in medical devices and biological systems, manufacturing, autonomous systems and environmental sensing and modelling. She is Co-Director of the Institute's Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Intelligent Systems for Health and Environment (MISHE), and is institute lead for the Postgraduate Research Training Programme in Modelling and Computation for Health and Society (MOCHAS) - a multidisciplinary research programme to train students in mathematical and computational modelling techniques for broad ranging application in environmental and biological systems. She has led research projects totalling over €5M in funding and published over 60 peer reviewed papers. Linkedin Profile

Tasneem Ahmed is currently doing her PhD in the Science department at the Atlantic Technological University Sligo. She is working on the SCORE (Smart Control of Climate Resilience in European Coastal cities) project led by ATU Sligo and funded under the European Union’s horizon 2020 programme. She completed a master’s in climate change from Maynooth University, Ireland in October 2021 with a first class 1:1 .She was awarded a 50% Maynooth university International Scholarship for undertaking the master’s degree. Previously she completed another master’s in Physics from Gauhati University, India and a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from B. Borooah college under Gauhati University .Her primary interest lies in climate change, climate adaptation, statistical modelling of climate-change induced hazards and monitoring these hazards with low-cost sensors. LinkedIn profile

Khurram Riaz is currently doing his Ph.D. in the science department at the Atlantic Technological University Sligo. He is a part of the Smart Control of Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities (SCORE) project, led by ATU Sligo and funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research program. He holds a master's and bachelor's degree in Environmental Science from Bahria University in Pakistan. For two years, he worked as a research assistant at the Pakistan Meteorological Department's Research and Development Division. His primary research interests are modeling and forecasting extreme climate events using modern digital technologies. Linkedin profile

Ananya Tiwari is a PhD student in the SCORE project, currently working on developing the 'Coastal City Living Lab' framework, ecosystem-based adaptation as well as socio-economic issues pertaining to climate adaptation. Ananya has experience working at organizations like the environmental consultancy Terracon Ecotech; Northumbria University, UK; Institute of Development Studies, UK; and multiple social/environmental NGOs. Ananya has an MSc in Climate Change, Development and Policy from the University of Sussex as well as an undergraduate degree in Politics, Economics and Sociology. Extremely passionate about tackling climate change, Ananya has co-founded a project to plant a million trees in collaboration with the US-based NGO Love Peace Harmony Foundation. Finally, Ananya has contributed through a submission to the COP15 Paris conference, for which she was awarded a certificate of excellence. Linkedin profile

Dr N N V Sudha Rani is a post-doctoral fellow in Environmental Sciences department at Atlantic Technological University Sligo. Her expertise is in coastal vulnerability assessment studies, climate change, Geographic Information System (GIS) with major focus on sea level rise, land subsidence, saltwater intrusion and storm-surge analysis. She worked on socio-economic assessment for coastal adaptation. Currently she working on low-cost sensor applicability on coastal waves, shoreline shift, and Nature-Based Solutions for coastal areas. She obtained her PhD at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. Linkedin profile
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), The Netherlands

Elena Marie Enseñado currently works as a specialist in Nature-based Climate Change Adaptation Planning at IHS. Her expertise includes climate change and environmental planning, learning for socio-technical transitions and social-ecological resilience, ecosystem services and nature-based solutions, vulnerability assessments using participatory methods, and participatory decision making using multiple criteria analysis. Key projects at IHS include European Commission-funded projects, such as SCORE, PROSPECT, SUSTAIN, and Covenant CapaCITY. Within SCORE, Elena works as principal investigator and work package leader for the coastal city living design, development, implementation and evaluation. She also supports the work package on socio-economic assessment of ecosystem-based adaptation. LinkedIn profile | ResearchGate

Laura Quadros Aniche is an Urban Sustainability and Climate Change specialist working in education, advisory, and research on urban sustainability and governance. Her expertise focuses on nature-based solutions, ecosystem services, climate adaptation and resilience, urban living labs, participatory processes and legitimacy. Key recent advisory and research projects, such as SCORE, include: Urban Water Challenges – Integrated Sustainable Solutions in China, Peacebuilding in Peri-Urban Areas: Nature-Based Solutions for Community Resilience in Colombia, and Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Ecuador. Within SCORE, Laura is involved in the work package for the coastal city living design, development, implementation and evaluation. LinkedIn profile

Charmae Pyl Wissink-Nercua is part of the Urban Socio-Spatial Development Team at IHS. Her expertise is in urban land and housing development with a focus on governance, sustainability, and resilience. Charmae has more than 15 years of professional experience in the field. She is currently working on the themes of nature-based solutions, sustainable urban development, land and housing rights, climate adaptation planning, climate resilience, urban living labs, stakeholders’ engagement and co-design and co-creation processes. At IHS, Charmae is involved in education, research, advisory and capacity-building activities. She is actively involved in IHS’ project acquisitions and is leading various projects such as international tailormade trainings and refresher courses in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. Within SCORE, Charmae is involved in the work package on coastal city living design, development, implementation and evaluation and supports the work package on socio-economic assessment of ecosystem-based adaptation. LinkedIn profile
UniversitĂ di Pisa (UNIPI), Italy

Filippo Giannetti is Associate Professor at the DII/UniPI. His main research interests concern digital signal processing, wireless communications, satellite systems, atmospheric radiopropagation, techniques and sensors for rainfall measurement and for environmental monitoring. He worked in several national and international projects (FP7, H2020, ESA), either as the scientific manager or DII/UniPI team leader. He is author of more than 170 journal and conference papers, co-inventor of several patents, including an innovative technique for rain detection and rainfall intensity estimation, and he is also member of the editorial board of EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. LinkedIn profile | ResearchGate

Vincenzo Lottici is an Associate Professor at the Dept. of Inf. Eng. of University of Pisa. His research interests include the broad area of signal processing for communications, with emphasis on synchronization, dynamic resource allocation, and waveform adaptation, cooperative and cognitive wireless networks. He participated in several international research projects and standardization activities (ESA, ETSI, FP7, H2020). He authored more than 150 journal and conference papers and is a member of the editorial board of EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. He recently collaborated in joint research works with Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands), George Mason University (Fairfax, USA), University of Ghent (Ghent, Belgium), Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA). Google Scholar

Fabiola Sapienza is holding a research grant in the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa, with experience in the analysis and processing of signals received from satellite links affected by rain, in order to reconstruct precipitation fields. She has a Master degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Pisa in July 2020. In the context of SCORE, Fabiola contributes to WP5. LinkedIn profile

Antonio Colicelli graduated in Classics with a Major in Archaeology from the University of Pisa in 1994 and received a Ph.D. in History and Classics from the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa in 1998. He obtained a Specialization Degree in Archaeology from the University of Pisa and a master’s degree in public communication and Communications Policy from the University of Pisa in 2008. He works at the University of Pisa, Department of Information Engineering since 2004, where he is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa. He is Administrative Project Manager for National and European Projects, participates in the organization of Department events dedicated to the broad public. He is the author of 25 scientific publications and several articles dedicated to the public at large. Linkedin profile

Marco Moretti is an associate professor at the University of Pisa. My research interests are in wireless communication theory and resource allocation and their applications. I am the author of several scientific journals and conference papers. Here you can find my most relevant publications. Or you can check my Scholar page. I am an Area Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Among my most recent scientific collaborations, there are Xidian University (Xi'an, PRC), Columbia University in New York (USA), and UPC (Barcelona, Spain). ResearchGate
University College of Cork (UCC), Ireland

Gregorio Iglesias is Professor of Marine Renewable Energy at University College Cork and Honorary Professor of Coastal Engineering at the University of Plymouth. He has over 25 years of experience in ocean energy, offshore wind energy and coastal engineering. He held a Marie Curie individual fellowship (WaveImpact) and acted as an expert witness on behalf of Spain’s State Ports on the new, €500M breakwater at the Port of Gijon. He coordinated several European and national research projects, is a member of various Editorial Boards and the Subject Editor of Energy (Elsevier) for wave, tidal and hydropower. He has published over 100 journal papers and attracted over €68M of research funding. With 8340 citations, his h-index is 54.

Emilio LaĂño holds a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Coruña and he is currently a PhD student at University College Cork. He has been participant for large scale projects of national and international significance and his design involves consideration of all the technical, commercial, and environmental sensitivities and constraints of the impacts of the future climate change projections on the coastal evolution. Having both industry and research experience, his has developed expertise in coastal cities resilience, port infrastructure assessment, design of coastal structures, carbon assessment and offshore windfarms. Particularly, Emilio is keen on low-carbon approaches to tackle problems in maritime infrastructure and contribute to its sustainability, with an interest in digital technologies.

Abel Martinez Diaz holds a Civil Engineering (BE (Hons)) and Civil, Structural Engineering (MEngSC) at the University of A Coruna (Spain). Currently a PhD researcher at the University College Cork (UCC) on offshore renewable energies. The research includes the use of up-to-date metocean databases with data mining techniques and numerical modelling to contribute to the understanding of ocean energy – wave and offshore wind – and the evolution of these resources under the effects of climate change. Potential areas for the development of these technologies are also studied by analysing the costs of energy in combination with Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Paraic Ryan is a Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering at University College Cork, and a Conjunct Research Fellow at the Centre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability (CIPAR) at the University of Newcastle, Australia. His main research interests are in risk and uncertainty modelling, and the application of these methods to optimising climate change adaptation and resilience. Paraic has worked in the climate change adaptation and resilience area both nationally, and internationally for over 10 years. He is a member of one of the IABSE Task Group 6.1: Effects of Climate Change on Infrastructure and is currently supervising four PhD Students and one Masters Student in the area of risk and uncertainty modelling.
Universidad de Alicante (UA), Spain

Luis Aragonés Pomares is full Professor at the University of Alicante. B.Eng in Civil Engineering (1988), M.Eng. Civil Engineering by the University of Alicante in 2007, M.Eng in Materials, Water and Terrain (2012) and received his PhD. from the University of Alicante in 2015. Professionally, he has worked in construction companies for 20 years as a project manager. He is member of the Transport, Territory and Coastal Environment Engineering Research Group (AORTA research). His main research topics are focused on coastal management, littoral dynamics, marine geology and ports. He has been involved in regional public funded research projects and has led numerous contracts with private companies for research and consultancy. He has co-authored 31 publications in JCR journals, and 33 communications in national and international conferences.

José Ignacio Pagán Conesa obtained the degree in Civil Engineering (B. Eng.) by the Polytechnic University of Cartagena in 2010, M.Eng. Civil Engineering by the University of Alicante in 2015 and received his PhD. from the University of Alicante in 2018. He currently has a full-time position in the Department of Civil Engineering (University of Alicante) He is member of the Transport, Territory and Coastal Environment Engineering Research Group (AORTA research) of the UA where he participated in several projects to address the impacts of the anthropogenic actions on natural resources, environment and infrastructures in all those aspects related to transport, territory and the coastal environment. He is also a GIS expert. He has been involved in public funded research projects (1 EU projects, among regional projects). He is co-author of 13 publications in JCR journals, and 19 communications in national and international congresses.

Virgilio Gilart obtained his degree in computer engineering from the University of Alicante in 2001. From 2001 to 2003 he worked in the world of consultancy in the company Sinergia TecnolĂłgica (Grupo IT Deusto). In January 2004 he joined the University of Alicante where he obtained his PhD in 2010. has obtained more than 20 publications in journals, 15 of them indexed in the JCR, being 80% in journals between the first two quartiles. He has participated in 13 research projects in different fields, being a PI in two of them and in 12 technology transfer projects. In addition, he has two innovation awards from which he is working to start up a technology-based company. As a researcher he has participated in different national and regional projects, in two of which he has been the main researcher, and in international technology transfer projects.

Isabel LĂłpez Ăšbeda has an M.Eng. Civil Engineering (2013) and M.Eng in Materials, Water and Terrain (2014), received her PhD. from the University of Alicante in 2016. She currently has a full-time position in the Department of Civil Engineering (University of Alicante) She is member of the Transport, Territory and Coastal Environment Engineering Research Group (AORTA research) of the UA. Her main research topics are focused on nearshore processes, equilibrium beach profile, water quality, wave dynamics and currents. She has been involved in several public funded research projects. She is co-author of 33 publication in JCR journals, and 18 communications in national and international congresses.

Diego Marcos Jorquera obtained his degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Alicante in 1999, where he has been working since 2004 in the Computer and Information Technology Department. In 2010 he defended his doctoral thesis “Massive Information Dissemination in Network Management Models. Application to High Availability Services on the Internet”, where he proposes a model that incorporates within the current network management systems, the dissemination of information in an efficient and scalable way, avoiding an impact on the managed network. He has 11 publication in JCR journals, 24 communications in national and international congresses and participate in 8 national and regional projects.

Ignacio Toledo Sepulcre is a PhD student in the area of Coastal Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Alicante (UA). He has a degree and a Master's degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Alicante. He is awarded the best record of his promotion in Bachelor's and Master's degrees. He has been hired by the UA to work as a senior technician in the SCORE Project performing the following functions: mapping extreme weather events and evolution of the coastline through the use of GIS, collaborating in the design and implementation of sustainable strategies developed in the city of Benidorm, collaboration in the preparation and attendance of meetings and seminars, and preparation and management of documentary information.

Antonio Omar Cerdán Céspedes is a cybersecurity master 's degree student of the University of Alicante(UA) and licensed in computer engineering with the route of information technologies in the University of Alicante. Hired by the UA as a technician in the SCORE project performing the following tasks: retrieval and processing of the necessary information for the calculation of the beach indicators, positioning and traceability system for the different management resources of the beach,and development and integration of resource and incident through phone apps.
Consorzio LAMMA, Italy

Alberto Ortolani (PhD) is senior researcher at the Institute of BioEconomy at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IBE). He is also head of the Atmospheric division at Consorzio LaMMA. He received a master’s degree in physics at the University of Florence with a thesis on stellar X-ray spectroscopy. Soon moved to remote sensing and atmospheric physics and then received a PhD in “Physical modelling for environment protection” at the University of Bologna. His main research interests are: GNSS, satellite and radar meteorology; measurement of opportunity for precipitation and water vapour; data assimilation in meteorological models; development of meteo-based services. He is a contract professor at the University of Florence, for the master’s degree in Physics and Astrophysics Sciences.

Manuela Corongiu (PhD), received her master’s degree in civil engineering at the University of Cagliari-Italy in 1997. Until 2006 she worked on the “IntesaGIS” project for Italian specifications on geotopographic databases. Since 2011 she has been a permanent researcher at the Consorzio LaMMA. She carries out projects on geomatics aspects and standards (i.e. ISO TC/211 19118 and 19144-2 editing Committees) and spatial database design and spatial data infrastructure management. In 2021, she obtained the Degree of Doctor Europaeus (PhD) in "International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering – Resource and Sustainability".
Sligo County Council, Ireland

Pete Murtagh has been working in the area of environmental protection for over 20 years, and has extensive experience in waste & resource management and environmental awareness, as well as enforcement of environmental legislation. Currently employed in the energy efficiency & climate action area where he has been involved in the development & implementation of Sligo County Council’s Climate Adaptation Strategy, as well as ongoing changes with regard to energy management. He holds a B.Sc. in Environmental Science & a Post Grad. Dip. in Environmental Protection, both from IT Sligo. LinkedIn profile

Daniel Conway has recently commenced working in Sligo County Council as a Climate Action Graduate. He is a part of the Smart Control of Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities (SCORE) project, led by IT Sligo. He has completed a Masters in Climate Change at Maynooth University in July 2020 and a awarded a 2:1 result. He also holds a Second-Class Honours Grade II (2:1) BA in Geography and Business from Maynooth University. His primary interest includes climate resilience & adaptation and agriculture where he recently commenced the Teagasc Distance Education Green Cert Course.

RĂłisĂn Curran obtained a BSc (Hons) Environmental Science from University College Cork in 2018, and went on to complete MSc Sustainable Environments from National University of Ireland, Galway in 2020. During her thesis for this master, she became interested in the community engagement and involvement within the planning of large renewable energy infrastructure projects in Ireland. This led her to work as a research assistant in University College Cork, working within the Cleaner Promotion Production Unit on H2020 REALISE project. She is currently working in the Climate Action section of Sligo County Council, where her works span many broad areas including biodiversity enhancement, energy monitoring and decarbonisation activities. Although not currently working for an academic institution, she is passionate about climate resilience and adaptation research and the involvement of communities in scientific activities and decision-making processes. LinkedIn profile | ResearchGate

Aitor Mingo is a project manager at Naider, Spain. In 2015 he finished his bachelor thesis in life cycle assessment calculation for different livestock management within the LIFE REGEN Farming project (Regenerative Farming). He graduated in the Joint European Master in Environmental Science, Cities and Sustainability (JEMES CiSu) Erasmus Mundus International Master in Science program. He finished his master thesis in 2018 analyzing a comparation between top-down public politics and bottom-up practices in self managed communities for the ecological transition. During his stay at the National University of Costa Rica, he also developed Climate Change diagnosis, and strategies for the municipalities. Currently, as a project manager in NAIDER he is involved in local and regional projects about urban development, climate impact, circular economy, energy transition, and local sustainability. He also participates in several environmental communication and environmental education projects and in environmental protection social movements at a local and regional level.
In the context of SCORE, Aitor is working on the definition of the Pilot Operational Plans of the Coastal City Living Labs and, on the evaluation, and implementation of the Ecosystem Based Approaches . LinkedIn profile

Asier Undabeitia is a technical consultant for NAIDER. He holds a masters’ degree in Economic Analysis from The University of the Basque Country (Spain) and Business Consulting from the University of Comillas (Spain). Asier graduated from Hastings College (USA) in 2018 with bachelors’ degrees in Economics and International Relations. He has been part of several projects developing statistical tools dealing with the application of some of the latest technologies as the IRB risk method. He has been a part of innovative governance projects in order to promote rural development through the application of circular economy based models and policies. Now, Asier is part of several local and international projects related to urban development, sustainability, and climate change.
In the context of SCORE, Asier is working on the definition of the Pilot Operational Plans of the Coastal City Living Labs. LinkedIn profile

Jokin Etxebarria is an Economist with an MSc in Business & Management and a Master's degree in Circular Economy. He has experience in competitiveness and innovation projects within the public and private sectors. At Naider, he is the Manager of the economic development and innovation area. He coordinates projects related to the economic development and governance of territories, innovation processes, and the implementation of the circular economy in territories and organizations. Prior to joining Naider, he worked for the main financial institutions of the Spanish banking system preparing and monitoring the Strategic Plans, making financial forecasts monitoring indicators, and reporting to the executive management and the board of directors.
In the context of SCORE, Jokin is working on the definition of the Pilot Operational Plans of the Coastal City Living Labs. LinkedIn profile

Juan Iglesias is the Manager of the Naider Ecological Transition Area. He has a Bachelor of Environmental Sciences and Master in City and Urbanism, and has professional experience in international organizations. He stands out for having carried out environmental positioning projects for Basque municipalities, and the development of regional strategies in the field of the environment. Moreover, he has developed tools and simulators related to Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change, as well as the writing of reports and environmental advice for local and regional entities.
In the context of SCORE, Juan is working on the definition of the Pilot Operational Plans of the Coastal City Living Labs and, on the evaluation, and implementation of the Ecosystem Based Approaches. LinkedIn profile

Juan Capeáns is a Senior Urban and Regional Economist and Project Manager at NAIDER with an MSc in Urban and Regional Planning from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and an MBA in Multilateral Project Management from the Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX-CECO). With more than 12 years of research and project management experience working in international organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) of UN-Habitat. He is also experienced in the management and implementation of Horizon 2020 projects such as SENATOR (Smart Network Operator Platform enabling Shared, Integrated and more Sustainable Urban Freight Logistics), REZBUILD (REfurbishment decision making platform through advanced technologies for near Zero energy BUILDing renovation), or BELENUS (Lowering Costs by Improving Efficiencies in Biomass Fueled Boilers: New Materials and Coatings to Reduce Corrosion).
In the context of SCORE, Juan is working on the definition of the Pilot Operational Plans of the Coastal City Living Labs. LinkedIn profile

Marta Iturriza, Mechanical Engineer (2015, Ph.D. 2020), is a project manager at Naider, Spain. In 2016 she finished her master thesis in industrial management and after working in the industry she started her Ph.D. related to developing climate awareness in the city resilience building process. Her research interests include complex system modelling, urban management, and resilience. She has participated in European H2020 projects such as Smart Mature Resilience to build resilient cities or ENGAGE concerning the enhancement of societal resilience. She has also worked in the LIFE-Urban Klima project focused on nature-based solutions and social science in the Basque region. Currently, as a project manager, she is involved in local and international projects about urban development, climate impact, circular economy, and sustainability. You can find her work published in journals like Cities, Urban Climate and Sustainability.
In the context of SCORE, Marta is coordinating Naider’s task and working on the definition of the Pilot Operational Plans of the Coastal City Living Labs. LinkedIn profile

Sara Soloaga is an environmental technician for NAIDER. She has a Bachelor of Environmental Sciences and holds Masters´ degrees in Integrated Coastal Zone Management from the University of Cádiz (Spain) and Primatology by the University of Girona (Spain). Sara has professional experience in international field work, analysing and monitoring several ecosystems in order to protect and help to restore them with adequate management. She has also worked on environmental education projects. Now, Sara is part of several projects of regional development strategies in the field of the environment, as well as projects related to advise institutions and organizations on their ecological transition in sustainability and climate change areas.
In the context of SCORE, Sara is working on the evaluation and implementation of the Ecosystem Based Approaches. LinkedIn profile

Carlos Cuerda is an Urban and Regional Economist. He is graduated in Economics and Business Sciences from the University of the Basque Country and a Master in Urban and Regional. He is a founding partner and general coordinator of NAIDER, a think & do platform for encouraging local and regional development. He has also been a co-founder of a business incubator, a technology company, and two non-profit associations dealing with innovation and climate change.
Carlos has been involved in a number of planning processes in the areas of urban-regional development and business competitiveness to promote innovation, entrepreneurship, and collaborative governance. In the areas of ecological and sustainable transitions, he has led strategy and intervention activities aimed at promoting eco-urbanism, circular economy, and eco-innovation in general.
In the context of SCORE, Carlos is working on the coordination and management of the project. LinkedIn profile
University of Gdansk (UG), Poland

Jacek Barańczuk is an assistant professor and a university teacher at the Institute of Geography in Coastal City Living Lab, University of Gdańsk, Poland. He specializes in environmental monitoring, application of GIS in geography and spatial management (presentation of natural, social, and economic phenomena), physical geography. He is the author of over 50 papers in Polish and English and he is the author, co-author, or editor of four books. Jacek Barańczuk has participated in a few scientific trainings, expertises, research projects, and implementations.
In the context of SCORE, Jacek is Living Lab Manager and researcher who is responsible for the substantive and organizational activities of Gdańsk CCLL. ResearchGate

Maciej Markowski is a Post-doctoral assistant professor teacher at the Institute of Geography in Coastal City Living Lab, University of Gdańsk, Poland. His master degree, as well as PhD, were focused on hydrology aspects for functioning and stability of lobelia lakes. Besides of extensive hydrology and limnology knowledge gained during almost 15 years of University career, his interests and researches are closely related to different aspects of GIS, Remote Sensing, Data Science, ETL, Data Transformation, and Data Analysis. In the Department of Geography at the University of Gdańsk, he is responsible for providing professional courses of the usability of GIS technology in environmental research. Also scientifically, he is still involved in research in the field of broadly understood lake hydrology. His scientific and technical experience is widely used in a variety of research projects.
In the context of SCORE, Maciej is a researcher who supports the team in data collection, analysis, mapping, and contributes to the various WPs. ResearchGate

Włodzimierz Golus is a Post-doctoral assistant professor at the Institute of Geography in Coastal City Living Lab, University of Gdańsk, Poland. His main field of interest is the functioning of small water bodies and their catchments in post-glacial landscape. Włodzimierz has a master's degree in limnology and focused on the hydrological role of small water bodies in the large catchment. He continued his research on ponds and small periodic streams and their role in the matter cycle in small lake-and-river systems and as a result, he obtained Ph.D. at the University of Gdańsk. He has almost 15 years of experience in the field of hydrology and limnology. Recently, he also focuses on the hydrological balance of river mouths and sea and characteristics of small reservoirs in the urban areas and expands his interest in his educational work with international students.
In the context of SCORE, WĹ‚odziemierz is a researcher who supports the team in data collection, analysis and contributes to the various WPs. ResearchGate

Katarzyna Barańczuk  holds MSc. in geography from the University of Gdansk. She is an assistant and a PhD student at the Institute of Geography in Coastal City Living Lab, University of Gdańsk, Poland. Her field of research covers physical limnology, environmental analysis and monitoring. She is the co-author of few articles.
In the context of SCORE, Katarzyna, is a PhD student who manages and coordinates the CCLL activities. ResearchGate
MBI Srl, Italy

Attilio Vaccaro is the head of Special Projects in MBI. He holds an MS degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Pisa (1998) and is specialized in satellite communications systems. In MBI, since the foundation (2001), he covered several positions including coordination of OAM and Multimedia teams. In the last few years, he's been working on smart technologies and solutions based on satellite communications systems for rain-sensing. As Innovation Manager in the SCORE project, he will be involved in most technical WPs with a specific focus on sensing technologies. LinkedIn Profile

Antonello Casula is a system integrator in the PowerSchedO team since 2010. He holds an MS degree in Computer Science from the University of Pisa (2002). PowerSchedO is an advanced decision support system: Antonello designs, develops, installs, integrates, and maintains the entire infrastructure of the application. He uses Pyhton to retrieve and manage data used by the PowerSchedO models. His interests include parallel and distributed computing and databases. Within the SCORE project, Antonello contributes to the WP8 by designing and implementing the Digital Twin platform and the Early Warning System. Linkedin Profile

Elena Salsi is a visual communication designer at MBI with strong experience in European research and innovation funded projects. At MBI, Elena takes care of the entire graphic design process: from the visualizing and creating imagery to the logo design, from the websites' implementation to enhancing the technology results communication through illustrations and concept graphics. Within the SCORE project, Elena designed the logo, the brand manual, the visual identity relating to social networks, the documents layout, the icons, and the infographics.
Oarsoaldea S.A, Spain

Ainara Lasarte is the Responsible of the Urban Regeneration Area, Mobility and Energy of Oarsoaldea. Ainara holds a Bachelor¨s Degree in Engineering of Ports, Canals and Roads, together with a wide experience in sustainability projects closely related to water, coast and energy at both national and international levels. Over the past four years, she has coordinated and developed different projects at the local and regional level, including projects focused on the regeneration of rivers against flooding, designs of commercial and sports ports, and energy projects. Furthermore, she has performed inter-institutional coordination and management tasks
She will be the main contributor of Oarsoaldea to the SCORE Project, including the co-leadership of the Basque CCLL.

Fernando Nebreda DĂaz de Espada is the Manager of Oarsoaldea and President of Garapen, the Professional Association of Development Agencies of the Basque Country. Spain. Fernando holds a Bachelor´s Degree in Law and a Master´s Degree in Business Management. He possesses more than 25 years of experience at Oarsoaldea, coordinating and leading the different departments of the agency, working in different areas including territorial and economic development, mobility, regeneration, and cooperation.

Marta Olaizola has a Degree in Political Science and Administration with a postgraduate degree in labor relations. She has been working in the communication department of Oarsoaldea for 18 years, participating in various projects at the local and regional levels, many of them related to energy and cooperation issues. She has been involved in various national and international projects at the European Commission. In the Score project, she will be in charge of communication, dissemination of the project, and organization of the workshops.

Beatriz Brosa is the Director of the Economic and Territorial Development Strategy of Oarsoaldea, and will act as a support agent of the Basque CCLL and as an inter-institutional relationship agent. Beatriz holds a Bachelor´s degree in Business Management and a Master´s Degree in Financial Management for Companies. She possesses more than 20 years of experience in this development agency as responsible for different departments. She holds a wide experience in the areas of entrepreneurship, companies, strategy, and project management related to urban and economic development.
Xabier Sesma Korta is Sustainability Officer of Oarsoaldea Development Agency, offering public service in the Energy Office of the county. Xabier holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Sciences and a Master’s Degree in Agro-Environmental and Agro-Alimentary Sciences. In addition, he is doing a Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and History. Xabier is one of the members of the core team of Oarsoaldea CCLL as “Human Interaction Specialist” in SCORE.
Camara Municipal de Oeiras, Portugal
Coming soon
University College Dublin, Ireland

Yuri Calleo is a PhD student at the University College Dublin, School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy with experience in social research and social statistics. Yuri has a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a Master’s degree in Social research from University “G. D’Annunzio”, Chieti-Pescara.
Among his research interests, Yuri focuses on Future Studies and Foresight, with particular interests in Scenario development process and decision-making models for studies on the environment and society. Also, Yuri is focusing on social networks research with statistical and computational analysis.
In the context of SCORE, Yuri is focusing on the scientific deliverables with a research position, contributing to the citizen science and low-cost sensing activities. ResearchGate

Chiara Cocco is a post-doctoral research fellow in the Spatial Dynamics Lab, within the UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy. Her research focuses on the use of digital technologies for citizens engagement in the observation and interpretation of local data, and on the development of geodesign methods to support co-design processes. She has a master’s degrees in Architecture, and a PhD from University of Cagliari, Italy, that explored the use of log files recorded by information systems supporting collaborative planning processes to monitor and understand design dynamics with the aim of improving future processes and existing digital tools. For the last two years, she worked in the EU Interreg “Coastal Communities Adapting Together” (CCAT) project, led by UCD, where she has been involved in planning and delivering citizen engagement activities to support Irish Sea coastal communities in understanding climate change and how they can adapt. Linkedin Profile | Research Gate
RED SpA, Italy

Gianbattista Bussi is a hydrological risk specialist at RED. He is interested in flood and drought hazard mapping, fluvial and coastal flood modelling, hydrological modelling and flood risk assessment. His current work is mainly focused on the analysis of flood and drought impacts and risks, as well as on the development of real-time, or near real-time, tools for the rapid assessment of the impacts of severe rainfall events and tropical cyclones. In his work, he employs the most up-to-date techniques for data acquisition and processing, including satellite information and reanalysis products, to estimate the damages caused by natural disasters.
In the context of SCORE, Gianbattista is working on the definition of strategies to increase the financial resilience of coastal cities. LinkedIn profile

Paola Ceresa is project manager of risk-related projects at RED. She was involved in several national and international projects of the Civil Protection and the European Commission. She was Deputy Coordinator of the FP7-SASPARM project and Research Unit Coordinator of the DG-ECHO SASPARM 2.0 project for seismic risk mitigation in Palestine. She is the Deputy Coordinator of the World Bank’s engagement with the consortium of experts led by RED under the EU-funded Program “Strengthening Financial Resilience and Accelerating Risk Reduction in Central Asia” (SFRARR) for developing a regionally consistent risk assessment for earthquakes, floods and selective landslide scenario analysis in Central Asia.
In the context of SCORE, Paola is working on the definition of strategies to increase the financial resilience of coastal cities. LinkedIn profile

Gabriele Coccia is a hydrological risk specialist and software developer at RED since 2015. Gabriele has a great passion for coding. His current work is mainly focused on developing hydrological, flood, excess rain and tropical cyclone risk models to support the insurance and reinsurance markets. He also develops user-friendly graphical interfaces to make models more suitable for non-technical users. Gabriele has also knowledge about the analysis of flood impact and parametric risk modelling for the rapid assessment of the impact of catastrophic events. In his work, he employs several programming languages, including Python, R, Java, C++, Fortran as well as web developing languages, such as Django, PHP and JavaScript.
In the context of SCORE, Gabriele is working on the definition of strategies to increase the financial resilience of coastal cities. LinkedIn profile

Simona Denaro is an environmental engineer and joined RED in 2020. Between 2017 and 2020 she worked as a postdoc at UNC Chapel Hill in the Center on Financial Risk in Environmental Systems. Her past work revolves around the integrated use of environmental engineering and economics to explore diversified strategies to characterize and manage systems vulnerability to risk in order to enable progress and resilient innovation. Simona holds an M.Sc degree in environmental engineering and a Ph.D. in information technology from Politecnico di Milano.
In the context of SCORE, Simona is working on the definition of strategies to increase the financial resilience of coastal cities. LinkedIn profile

Mario Martina is the head of the Department of Science, Technology and Society, the coordinator of the inter-university doctoral course on Sustainable Development and Climate Change (PhD - SDC) and full professor in hydrology at the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia. He is scientific advisor of RED on the risk assessment for weather-related hazards. His research interests include: risk modelling for weather-related hazards, applications of risk models in the insurance and re-insurance industry, assessment of the socio-economic impacts of climate change and disaster risk financing mechanisms. He teaches courses on natural hazard risk modelling to undergraduates and to master/PhD students. He has been the supervisor of more than 20 PhD students.
In the context of SCORE, Mario is the scientific advisor of the RED team. LinkedIn profile

Raymundo Rangel Parra, PhD in hydrology and water resources management with Cum Laude mention by the University of Santiago de Compostela. He works as Environmental Risk Modeller at RED, applying hard skills such as programming language, GIS software, remote sensing data processing, data analysis, statistics and geostatistics and hydrological simulations. On his background, he has been working in water resources since 2007 in Mexico and Spain, collaborating with multidisciplinary colleagues and partners, in university research and private environmental laboratories. His work has been focused in understanding the environmental resources usage, sampling, life cycle analysis, spatial distribution and simulation for current and future conditions, looking for better management.
In context of SCORE, Raymundo is working on the definition of strategies to increase the financial resilience of coastal cities. LinkedIn profile
Samsun University, Turkey

Neslihan Beden is an Assistant Professor at the University of Samsun Meteorological Engineering Department, Turkey. She is a Civil Engineer (Hydraulics) and she holds a Ph.D. was in flood modeling and flood risk assessments in catchments. She is interested in modeling flood damage processes, flood hazard mapping, drought analysis, and climate change. She lectures Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Economy, and Disaster Management in her department.
In the context of SCORE, Neslihan is leading the University of Samsun (SAMU) research team as the main researcher and she is the manager of the Coastal City Living Lab of Samsun. Neslihan is also an amateur guitarist and a Korean Language student. LinkedIn l ResearchGate

Sema Arıman is an Associate Professor at the Department of Meteorological Engineering at the University of Samsun, Turkey. She obtained her degree in Environmental Engineering from the Ondokuz Mayıs University in 1997, where she worked until 2010 in the Department of Environmental Engineering. His master degree, as well as Ph.D., were focused on the river and marine sediment pollution, transport and treatment. Her research interests concern marine and inland water environments, water pollution and control, sediment pollution, environmental monitoring, water resources management, climate change, and remote sensing. She has been involved in several public and international funded research projects. In the context of SCORE, Sema is a researcher who supports the team in data collection, analysis and contributes to the various WPs. LinkedIn

Nazire Göksu Soydan Oksal is an Assistant Professor in the Civil Engineering Department of Mersin University. She is a Civil Engineer and holds her Ph.D. on Hydraulic Modeling. She also lectures Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Fluid Mechanics in her department.  Her academic research focuses on hydraulic modeling, climate change, and drought analysis.
In the context of SCORE, Göksu is a researcher who supports the team in modeling analysis, data collecting, and contributes to the various WPs. LinkedIn l ResearchGate

Vahdettin Demir is an Assistant Professor at the University of KTO Karatay, Civil Engineering Department, Turkey. Vahdettin Demir's areas of expertise are flood modeling, remote sensing, water management, environmental protection, machine learning, and data forecasting. Dr. Demir graduated from Gumushane University Civil and Surveying Engineering departments with high honors. He completed his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, MSc in Civil Engineering, and second MSc in Surveying Engineering and continues his second Ph.D. in Surveying Engineering at Mersin University. Dr. Demir has more than 100 publications, 8 projects, and 600 citations, and is an editor at MDPI Geosciences. In the context of SCORE, Dr. Demir is a researcher in flood modeling analysis, supporting the team in data collection and contributing to various WPs. LinkedIn l ResearchGate

Ĺžule HaliloÄźlu is a dedicated Atmospheric Sciences Ph.D. candidate and Research Assistant with a solid academic background and expertise in Meteorological Engineering. Currently pursuing a doctorate at Istanbul Technical University while actively contributing to research initiatives at University of Samsun. Specialized in regional climate modeling and proficient in forecasting extreme weather events using advanced numerical weather prediction models.
DiputaciĂł de Barcelona, Spain

Sara Martuscelli holds an MSc in Political and international relations. She also holds a master’s degree in European politics for cooperation. Originally from Italy, she has more than 10 years’ experience working within DIBA in the field of international relations, especially within Latin America, and in European Project management. She recently joined the Environmental Department, giving support in the financial and technical management of European projects and international initiatives.

Rafa Ocaña has an MEng in Industrial Organization. He has more than 20 years of professional experience, mainly in support of local environmental planning and management from Barcelona Provincial Council. He also has extensive experience in participation and organization of events and international projects on local environment, sustainability, and mitigation of climate change. Based in Mexico City from 2013 to 2018, where he worked as coordinator of the 2nd International Workshop on Waste Management, coordinator of the Latin American Network of Solid Waste Management, and environmental consultant, participating in the update of the Climate Action Plan of Mexico City, compatible with the Paris Agreement, in cooperation with C40. In September 2018 he rejoined the environmental department of Barcelona Provincial Council, where he works supporting local governments in the promotion of sustainable mobility, in European projects, and to tackle energy poverty.

Núria Parpal holds an MSc in Biology. She has more than 20 years’ experience working within DIBA Environmental Department team, currently with the responsibility of Head of the Local Environmental Planning section (since 2016), managing and coordinating different environmental issues: waste management, water supply, urban green infrastructure, mobility, SDG and 2030 Agenda, etc. and expert in studies, planning and governance for adaptation to climate change in the territory. Work experience includes: Technical managing of different European projects, such as LIFE CLINOMICS, SPP Regions (Horizon 2020), EURONET 50/50max, SERPENTE (Interreg). Direction of several Local action plans for sustainable energy and climate. Previously has worked on development and implementation of Local Agendas 21, elaboration of systems of indicators of local sustainability, etc.

Conchita VicarĂa holds an MSc in Biology. She also holds a Master's degree in environmental consulting and verification. Conchita has more than twelve years of experience working within DIBA Environmental Department team. She has managed local waste projects and supported local waste management, reduction projects, and circular economy, since 2009. She also participates in the development of sustainability and climate change adaptation plans in the territory. She has previously worked on the development and implementation of Local Agendas 21 in the province of Barcelona.
Carlos González has an MSc in Economy and is an expert and Program Manager of Economic Analysis at Diputació de Barcelona. Carlos promotes green economy and circular economy among local authorities. He is trained in the legal framework of public procurement procedures and financial management of European projects. His work experiences include collaborating with Diputació de Barcelona Working Group on Resources Optimization, promoting the development of Local Agenda 21, developing supramunicipal cooperation in sustainable subjects and managing European Projects since 2002 (including financial and technical aspects) - retired
DĂşn Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (DLRCOCO), Ireland
Coming soon
Euronovia, France

Laura De Nale graduated in International Relations at the University for Foreigners of Perugia (Italy). After a first experience as a European project assistant at the Regional Union of Veneto’s Chambers of Commerce in Brussels and at the Enterprise Europe Network office in Venice, she worked as a European Project Manager for a consultancy firm in the south of France, where she managed several EU-funded projects addressing S&T cooperation between Europe and Africa. In 2016 Laura joined the Université de Paris where she oversaw the coordination of a four-year European Joint Doctorate funded under the Marie Curie Actions (MSCA-ITN-EJD). Laura joined Euronovia in April 2021 as leader of communication and dissemination for three H2020 projects: SCORE, FLOATECH and Co-UDlabs. She is also involved in writing research, development and innovation projects funded by Horizon Europe (RIA, MSCA). LinkedIn profile

Virginie Robin manages a team of consultants who work closely with laboratories, public institutions and companies to obtain European funding for their projects and support them for communication and dissemination actions. She has been working for more than 15 years in this field, as European project engineer and manager at CNRS and as policy officer for European and international affairs at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. In 2014, she created Euronovia, which has become one of the top experts for organizations willing to develop their activities in Europe and at the International level. She is also a founding member of the European Association of Innovation Consultants. Linkedin profile

Maëva Voltz is a consultant in EU funding at Euronovia. She has a background in international communication and several years of experience with EU collaborative projects. For SCORE, she is involved in the communication and dissemination activities of the project (WP9). Linkedin profile
Science and Research Centre (SRC/ZRS), Slovenia

Cécil Meulenberg is a biomedical researcher with a PhD in neurotoxicity from The Netherlands with experience in neurotoxicology, neurobiology, audiology, oncology and kinesiology, with teaching experience on the interrelation between the consumption of whole foods, digestion, physiology, brain function, and behaviour. In 2008 he moved to Slovenia. Living in the Mediterranean and his appointment as researcher at ZRS Koper since 2017 inspires him to develop interdisciplinary projects with a focus on sustainable food systems that focus on marine aquacultures, their impact on the environment and the ecosystem services they provide, and the promotion of various aspects of the balanced Mediterranean lifestyle: high nutritious sustainably-produced food – outdoors physical activity – high environmental awareness – balanced corresponding ecosystem values. He has an interinstitutional part-time research position at the Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia: the Institute for Kinesiology Research and the Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies, of which the latter covers the SCORE execution duties and where, since July 2022 he coordinates ZRS Koper’s part for Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities – SCORE, initializing Piran’s Coastal City Living laboratory (CCLL) that unites Piran quadruple stakeholders to discuss the co-creation and co-design of nature-based/ecosystem-based and smart approaches to address urban climate adaptation feasible for Piran. LinkedIn profile | ResearchGate

Erik Kralj received his Master's degree at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, in Geography. He has been with ZRS Koper and SCORE since 2022 as a Young Researcher working on climate adaptation. He is enrolled as a Geography PhD student at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor with his PhD thesis title "Climate resilience of Slovenian coastal towns". He has been moderating the Piran CCLL as wells as co-authoring several papers dealing with the early challenges of the Piran CCLL and a recent scientific publication regarding the temporally and spatially mapped patterns of coastal flooding of the Piran Peninsula and its historic town centre. LinkedIn profile | ResearchGate
Both Cécil and Erik are intensively executing the activities within the Piran’s Coastal City Living Lab and for inquiries regarding SCORE’s EBA implementation; sensor deployment; museum map (all covered more in detail at Piran CCLL Geostory available in English, Slovenian and Italian), can be contacted at
Serveis de Suport a la GestiĂł (ENT), Spain

LuĂs Campos Rodrigues is an environmental consultant and researcher at ENT. He holds a PhD in Environmental Science and Technology from Autonomous University of Barcelona, a MSc in Sustainability from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and a degree in Economics from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (Portugal). He has participated in several projects addressing the socioeconomic impact and adaptation to climate change in urban, mountain, coastal and marine areas, as well as in the context of specific economic sectors (e.g., tourism, fisheries and aquaculture). Moreover, he has experience in the analysis of the interrelation between natural ecosystems, biodiversity and the economy, and in the areas of environmental taxation and municipal waste management. ResearchGate

Mar Riera Spiegelhalder is an environmental consultant and researcher at ENT. She is an Economist and MSc in Management and Promotion of Local Development. Her research is related to the field of local development and public policies. She has a relevant experience both as project manager and as researcher of European projects with particular emphasis on the analysis and territorial impact of economic activities, working closely with public authorities to develop and implement indicators contributing to monitor effective public policies. She is involved in the SCORE project to support in the socio-economic evaluation of climate change adaptation strategies and the elaboration of policy recommendations for analysed coastal zones. LinkedIn profile

Ignasi Puig Ventosa is the co-founder of ENT Environment and Management (2002), and of ENT Foundation (2010). He coordinates the areas of Environmental Economics and Waste. His specialities are economic environmental policies applied to different areas such as waste management, climate change, energy management and nature conservation. He holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, an Economics Degree from the UNED, an Industrial Engineering Degree from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and a Master of Science in Monitoring, Modelling and Management of Environmental Change from King’s College London. ResearchGate
TERO Consulting, Greece

Stratos Arampatzis is a researcher working on environmental sciences as well as on IT systems development. He has a relevant experience both as project manager and as researcher of European projects with particular emphasis on biodiversity resources. He is involved in the SCORE project to support research in ecosystem based assessment processes and in the respective data requirements, as well as in the elaboration of policy recommendations. ResearchGateÂ

Olympia Papadopoulou is an environmentalist, graduated from Brighton University. She has worked for several years in the field of environmental data management and for the last 16 years she is collaborating with Tero in the scientific & financial management of environmental EU projects and the dissemination of their results. She has been involved in approximately 25 European projects as well as national funding schemes. Fields of interest include biodiversity conservation, climate change, water management, urban mobility, plastic pollution, networking, and public engagement. ResearchGate

Iason Tamiakis is an urban planner graduated from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and holds an MSc on Transport Planning from the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds. Iason’s main interests settle at urban transportation projects that enhance cities and improve communities and more specifically Active Travel, Land Use and Transport interactions, ICT solutions, socio-economic issues, Appraisal Methods, as well as climate change. Iason has worked as a Research Associate at the Hellenic Institute of Transport (CERTH-HIT) and since 2018 is working in Tero for several European transport projects. LinkedIn profile
Technical University of Košice (TUKE), Slovakia
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Pro. Ge. Com. S.r.l., Italy

Federico Binaglia is Head of Special Projects in public communication for municipalities and public authorities at Pro.Ge.Com. He has more than twenty years of experience in the design and development of innovative communication projects and in the management of public participatory processes. He is also Project Leader of “Cittadino Informato”, the first web GIS App in Italy specifically designed to streamline civil protection communication flows between municipalities and citizens. He introduced for the first time in Italy the design and management of participatory processes in the field of local civil protection planning. Progecom is partner of Anci Toscana, the association of municipalities, in the management of civil protection projects (support to planning and training). LinkedIn profile
ERINN Innovation Limited, Ireland

Jane Maher is a Senior Project Officer at ERINN Innovation. She has been working in science communication, including teaching in the area of climate change and societal challenges since 2014. She has a PhD in Geography from University of Dublin Trinity College (Ireland) which focused on gender mainstreaming in climate change adaptation policies across scale. She also has qualifications in Environment and Development (MSc) and Environmental Science (BSc). In her role at ERINN, Jane leads on communication, dissemination, capacity building and stakeholder engagement activities for numerous Horizon 2020 and EMFF projects. LinkedIn profile

Rochelle Caruso is a project officer at ERINN Innovation. She conducts the science communication and knowledge transfer for Horizon 2020 projects and supports ERINN's Horizon Europe training and proposal review programmes. Rochelle holds an MSc in Global Health from Maastricht University (Netherlands) with a focus on implementing innovations on a global scale. On SCORE, Rochelle’s work includes knowledge transfer of key ideas and developing lessons learnt associated with CCLL implementation. LinkedIn profile

Casey Borklund is a project officer at ERINN Innovation. In this role, she conducts science communication and knowledge transfer for various EU-funded projects and supports ERINN’s training programmes. Casey holds an MSc in Biodiversity Conservation from University of Dublin Trinity College (Ireland) where she researched effective community engagement in threatened ecosystems. She also has qualifications in Fish and Wildlife Conservation (BSc), and in Environmental Policy and Management (MSc Certificate). On SCORE, her work focuses on the knowledge transfer of the results of the project. LinkedIn profile
Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento (IST-ID), Portugal

Luis Angel Espinosa is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Climate Change Studies at the Association of Instituto Superior TĂ©cnico for Research and Development (IST-ID), Portugal. He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from the IST. He is a Civil Engineer with specialisation in Hydraulics (UNAM). His research focuses on changes in hydrological extremes, and on teleconnection of hydrological variables development (e.g. rainfall trends) and large-scale atmospheric modes (e.g. the North Atlantic Oscillation) likely in urban environments or coastal cities. He has experience in a large number of data mining techniques and tools for extracting trends, characteristics or rules from data which are relevant for Hydrology. LinkedIn profile | ResearchGate
City Council of Vilanova i la GeltrĂş, Spain

Gemma Rosset has a Degree in Biology and is specialized in marine biology, oceanography and ecological systems. She has more than 20 years of experience on ecological restoration of coastal ecosystems, public management of protected areas and sustainable tourism. She also has large experience in communication, environmental education, training, public awareness and social participation in environmental issues. This experience includes participation in regional, national and international level. Currently she is the Head of the environmental department of the City Council of Vilanova i la GeltrĂş. Among others she coordinates the promotion of the local strategies of Sustainability and energy and asses the city council in environmental policies.

Jordi Boada is an Engineering specialized in industrial electronics. He has more than 25 years of professional experience. Since 2004 he works at the environmental department of the City Council of Vilanova i la GeltrĂş on energy and environmental aspects such as air quality and soil pollution. Jordi is also the Head of the “Local Energy Agency”. This office, which belongs to the environmental department of the City Council of Vilanova i la GeltrĂş, promotes renewable energies and energy efficiency among the citizens and the city council itself.Â

Ester Toledo has a Degree on Environmental Sciences and a Master in Management of natural protected areas. She has more than 15 years of experience in environment and innovation. More concretely she has experience in environment management in private companies (impact assessment, environmental due diligence, mobility and consultancy) and in the promotion of innovation in the public sector (smart cities, gamification and living lab). She also has experience in proposal preparation and management of EU projects. She has recently joined the environmental department of the city council of Vilanova i la GeltrĂş.
European Network of Living Labs IVZW (ENoLL), Belgium

Marta De Los Rios White is a Senior Project Manager and Capacity Builder ENoLL. She is a Process Engineer with a Master in Sustainable Cities with international project management experience (South and North America, Africa, Europe). She has great experience in sustainable and participative process improvement and co-creation of solutions with a systemic and strategic thinking approach. She is an experienced project manager with many years of experience supporting the implementation of international cooperation projects for different donors and specially for the European Commission. Within SCORE her main focus is in WP2Â to develop the CCLL methodology and framework, together with supporting the other tasks of WP2. LinkedIn profileÂ
Aurora Agostinis is a Junior Project Manager at ENoLL, and her main role is to support the management and implementation of ENoLL projects and the preparation of proposals for competitive bids. She has completed her bachelor’s degree in Oriental Languages at La Sapienza University, specializing in Arabic and Persian. She is graduating in the master’s degree program in International Relations in the Digital Era at LUMSA University of Rome. Within SCORE her main focus is in WP2 to develop the CCLL methodology and framework, together with supporting the other tasks of WP2. LinkedIn profileÂ
Elina Makousiari is a Junior Project Manager at ENoLL. She is an Urban Resilience and Sustainability Planner (MEng), holding an MSc in Urban Environmental Management. Elina has gained international professional experience working on various projects, in academia, advisory and research. She has a strong background in sustainable and inclusive urban development, policy making and strategic planning, while she is familiar with Living Labs and co-creation in urban contexts. Elina’s core expertise is in urban management, strategic planning, as well as in policy making in the Global South and Europe. She has solid understanding upon various topics, including climate change, climate resilience, urban sustainability, intersectionality and placemaking, among others. Within SCORE, her main focus is in WP2 to develop the CCLL methodology and framework, together with supporting the other tasks of WP2. LinkedIn profileÂ
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy

Roberta Paranunzio is a Researcher of the Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) of the CNR. She holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering from Politecnico di Torino. Her research deals with climate change impacts on natural hazards in hotspots areas. She is interested in the study of climate triggers related to natural hazards and understanding of risks of climate-related impacts by assessing the interaction of hazards with vulnerability and exposure aspects. In the context of SCORE, she works on climate data retrieving and testing tools, and collaborates on citizen science data validation and assessment of integrated early warning support and spatial digital twins. Linkedin profile

Elisa Adirosi is a Researcher at the Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) of the CNR. She received the Ph.D. in environmental and hydraulic engineering from the Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) in 2015. Her research activities are related with the understanding of precipitation microphysics through observations from in-situ devices and the improvement of precipitation retrieval from remote sensing measurements. In the context of SCORE, she collaborates in the validation of the citizen science data through comparison with conventional sensors and in the validation of the scenarios developed within the digital twin.
Atlantic Technological University Sligo (ATU), Ireland
Coordination team

Salem S. Gharbia is the leader of the H2020 SCORE project. He is also a Lecturer in Water Science and a Principal Investigator at ATU Sligo. Water resources, climate change and integrated environmental systems modelling with Geographic Information System (GIS) are his main fields of interest.  Dr. Gharbia has excelled and been distinguished in all his studies, and he has received many awards and grants such as Trinity College's prestigious Ussher award for his novel PhD research. Dr. Gharbia has over 40 research publications in the last five years, and he secured circa Euro 11M in research funding over the previous 5 years. LinkedIn profileÂ

Iulia Anton is the Project Manager of the H2020 SCORE Project. Her expertise fields are wave modelling in the ocean and coastal environment, renewable energy in the marine environment, wind energy, environmental protection, and data analysis. Dr Anton holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, an MSc in Computer Science, two BSc’s in Environmental Protection and Engineering, and Mathematics and Computer Science, and a Higher Diploma in Data Analytics at NUI, Galway. Dr. Anton has over 25 publications and serves on the MDPI Energies Journal reviewer board. Linkedin Profile

Frances Lucy is Head of Department of Environmental Science and a long-term researcher at the Atlantic Technological University, Sligo. Frances became Head of Department in 2016, managing the dynamics of both long established and developing courses. As an aquatic biologist, she focusses on ecology and invasive species. Frances is Project Lead with UKCEH for EU Commission project on “Understanding and Communicating Invasive species” 2019-2022 and Project partner for Interreg IVa “Collaborative Actions for the Natura Network” 2017- 2022.  She encourages the development of research and researchers through her roles as Director of the CERIS research centre at IT Sligo, as Council Member of the ESAI and as President of Invasivesnet. Frances is also on the Advisory Committee for Ireland's EPA  and is a  Board Member of Inland Fisheries Ireland and of the Loughs Agency. She is involved in many international scientific networks to develop, review and enhance invasive species research and policy outputs. Linkedin Profile

Leo Creedon is a Senior Lecturer in ATU Sligo's Faculty of Engineering and Design and is Co-Director of IT Sligo’s Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Intelligent Systems for Health and Environment (MISHE). He is Vice-President of the Irish Mathematical Society and a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, Poland. He applies mathematical thinking to understand and solve problems in algebra, health, mathematical biology, medical technology, environmental sciences, and ICT. Linkedin Profile

Marion McAfee is a Senior Lecturer in Systems and Control Engineering in the Department of Mechatronic Engineering. Her research interests are in sensing, modelling, and control of complex systems with applications in medical devices and biological systems, manufacturing, autonomous systems and environmental sensing and modelling. She is Co-Director of the Institute's Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Intelligent Systems for Health and Environment (MISHE), and is institute lead for the Postgraduate Research Training Programme in Modelling and Computation for Health and Society (MOCHAS) - a multidisciplinary research programme to train students in mathematical and computational modelling techniques for broad ranging application in environmental and biological systems. She has led research projects totalling over €5M in funding and published over 60 peer reviewed papers. Linkedin Profile

Tasneem Ahmed is currently doing her PhD in the Science department at the Atlantic Technological University Sligo. She is working on the SCORE (Smart Control of Climate Resilience in European Coastal cities) project led by ATU Sligo and funded under the European Union’s horizon 2020 programme. She completed a master’s in climate change from Maynooth University, Ireland in October 2021 with a first class 1:1 .She was awarded a 50% Maynooth university International Scholarship for undertaking the master’s degree. Previously she completed another master’s in Physics from Gauhati University, India and a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from B. Borooah college under Gauhati University .Her primary interest lies in climate change, climate adaptation, statistical modelling of climate-change induced hazards and monitoring these hazards with low-cost sensors. LinkedIn profile

Khurram Riaz is currently doing his Ph.D. in the science department at the Atlantic Technological University Sligo. He is a part of the Smart Control of Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities (SCORE) project, led by ATU Sligo and funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research program. He holds a master's and bachelor's degree in Environmental Science from Bahria University in Pakistan. For two years, he worked as a research assistant at the Pakistan Meteorological Department's Research and Development Division. His primary research interests are modeling and forecasting extreme climate events using modern digital technologies. Linkedin profile

Ananya Tiwari is a PhD student in the SCORE project, currently working on developing the 'Coastal City Living Lab' framework, ecosystem-based adaptation as well as socio-economic issues pertaining to climate adaptation. Ananya has experience working at organizations like the environmental consultancy Terracon Ecotech; Northumbria University, UK; Institute of Development Studies, UK; and multiple social/environmental NGOs. Ananya has an MSc in Climate Change, Development and Policy from the University of Sussex as well as an undergraduate degree in Politics, Economics and Sociology. Extremely passionate about tackling climate change, Ananya has co-founded a project to plant a million trees in collaboration with the US-based NGO Love Peace Harmony Foundation. Finally, Ananya has contributed through a submission to the COP15 Paris conference, for which she was awarded a certificate of excellence. Linkedin profile

Dr N N V Sudha Rani is a post-doctoral fellow in Environmental Sciences department at Atlantic Technological University Sligo. Her expertise is in coastal vulnerability assessment studies, climate change, Geographic Information System (GIS) with major focus on sea level rise, land subsidence, saltwater intrusion and storm-surge analysis. She worked on socio-economic assessment for coastal adaptation. Currently she working on low-cost sensor applicability on coastal waves, shoreline shift, and Nature-Based Solutions for coastal areas. She obtained her PhD at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. Linkedin profile
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), The Netherlands

Elena Marie Enseñado currently works as a specialist in Nature-based Climate Change Adaptation Planning at IHS. Her expertise includes climate change and environmental planning, learning for socio-technical transitions and social-ecological resilience, ecosystem services and nature-based solutions, vulnerability assessments using participatory methods, and participatory decision making using multiple criteria analysis. Key projects at IHS include European Commission-funded projects, such as SCORE, PROSPECT, SUSTAIN, and Covenant CapaCITY. Within SCORE, Elena works as principal investigator and work package leader for the coastal city living design, development, implementation and evaluation. She also supports the work package on socio-economic assessment of ecosystem-based adaptation. LinkedIn profile | ResearchGate

Laura Quadros Aniche is an Urban Sustainability and Climate Change specialist working in education, advisory, and research on urban sustainability and governance. Her expertise focuses on nature-based solutions, ecosystem services, climate adaptation and resilience, urban living labs, participatory processes and legitimacy. Key recent advisory and research projects, such as SCORE, include: Urban Water Challenges – Integrated Sustainable Solutions in China, Peacebuilding in Peri-Urban Areas: Nature-Based Solutions for Community Resilience in Colombia, and Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Ecuador. Within SCORE, Laura is involved in the work package for the coastal city living design, development, implementation and evaluation. LinkedIn profile

Charmae Pyl Wissink-Nercua is part of the Urban Socio-Spatial Development Team at IHS. Her expertise is in urban land and housing development with a focus on governance, sustainability, and resilience. Charmae has more than 15 years of professional experience in the field. She is currently working on the themes of nature-based solutions, sustainable urban development, land and housing rights, climate adaptation planning, climate resilience, urban living labs, stakeholders’ engagement and co-design and co-creation processes. At IHS, Charmae is involved in education, research, advisory and capacity-building activities. She is actively involved in IHS’ project acquisitions and is leading various projects such as international tailormade trainings and refresher courses in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. Within SCORE, Charmae is involved in the work package on coastal city living design, development, implementation and evaluation and supports the work package on socio-economic assessment of ecosystem-based adaptation. LinkedIn profile
UniversitĂ di Pisa (UNIPI), Italy

Filippo Giannetti is Associate Professor at the DII/UniPI. His main research interests concern digital signal processing, wireless communications, satellite systems, atmospheric radiopropagation, techniques and sensors for rainfall measurement and for environmental monitoring. He worked in several national and international projects (FP7, H2020, ESA), either as the scientific manager or DII/UniPI team leader. He is author of more than 170 journal and conference papers, co-inventor of several patents, including an innovative technique for rain detection and rainfall intensity estimation, and he is also member of the editorial board of EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. LinkedIn profile | ResearchGate

Vincenzo Lottici is an Associate Professor at the Dept. of Inf. Eng. of University of Pisa. His research interests include the broad area of signal processing for communications, with emphasis on synchronization, dynamic resource allocation, and waveform adaptation, cooperative and cognitive wireless networks. He participated in several international research projects and standardization activities (ESA, ETSI, FP7, H2020). He authored more than 150 journal and conference papers and is a member of the editorial board of EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. He recently collaborated in joint research works with Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands), George Mason University (Fairfax, USA), University of Ghent (Ghent, Belgium), Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA). Google Scholar

Fabiola Sapienza is holding a research grant in the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa, with experience in the analysis and processing of signals received from satellite links affected by rain, in order to reconstruct precipitation fields. She has a Master degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Pisa in July 2020. In the context of SCORE, Fabiola contributes to WP5. LinkedIn profile

Antonio Colicelli graduated in Classics with a Major in Archaeology from the University of Pisa in 1994 and received a Ph.D. in History and Classics from the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa in 1998. He obtained a Specialization Degree in Archaeology from the University of Pisa and a master’s degree in public communication and Communications Policy from the University of Pisa in 2008. He works at the University of Pisa, Department of Information Engineering since 2004, where he is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa. He is Administrative Project Manager for National and European Projects, participates in the organization of Department events dedicated to the broad public. He is the author of 25 scientific publications and several articles dedicated to the public at large. Linkedin profile

Marco Moretti is an associate professor at the University of Pisa. My research interests are in wireless communication theory and resource allocation and their applications. I am the author of several scientific journals and conference papers. Here you can find my most relevant publications. Or you can check my Scholar page. I am an Area Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Among my most recent scientific collaborations, there are Xidian University (Xi'an, PRC), Columbia University in New York (USA), and UPC (Barcelona, Spain). ResearchGate
University College of Cork (UCC), Ireland

Gregorio Iglesias is Professor of Marine Renewable Energy at University College Cork and Honorary Professor of Coastal Engineering at the University of Plymouth. He has over 25 years of experience in ocean energy, offshore wind energy and coastal engineering. He held a Marie Curie individual fellowship (WaveImpact) and acted as an expert witness on behalf of Spain’s State Ports on the new, €500M breakwater at the Port of Gijon. He coordinated several European and national research projects, is a member of various Editorial Boards and the Subject Editor of Energy (Elsevier) for wave, tidal and hydropower. He has published over 100 journal papers and attracted over €68M of research funding. With 8340 citations, his h-index is 54.

Emilio LaĂño holds a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Coruña and he is currently a PhD student at University College Cork. He has been participant for large scale projects of national and international significance and his design involves consideration of all the technical, commercial, and environmental sensitivities and constraints of the impacts of the future climate change projections on the coastal evolution. Having both industry and research experience, his has developed expertise in coastal cities resilience, port infrastructure assessment, design of coastal structures, carbon assessment and offshore windfarms. Particularly, Emilio is keen on low-carbon approaches to tackle problems in maritime infrastructure and contribute to its sustainability, with an interest in digital technologies.

Abel Martinez Diaz holds a Civil Engineering (BE (Hons)) and Civil, Structural Engineering (MEngSC) at the University of A Coruna (Spain). Currently a PhD researcher at the University College Cork (UCC) on offshore renewable energies. The research includes the use of up-to-date metocean databases with data mining techniques and numerical modelling to contribute to the understanding of ocean energy – wave and offshore wind – and the evolution of these resources under the effects of climate change. Potential areas for the development of these technologies are also studied by analysing the costs of energy in combination with Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Paraic Ryan is a Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering at University College Cork, and a Conjunct Research Fellow at the Centre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability (CIPAR) at the University of Newcastle, Australia. His main research interests are in risk and uncertainty modelling, and the application of these methods to optimising climate change adaptation and resilience. Paraic has worked in the climate change adaptation and resilience area both nationally, and internationally for over 10 years. He is a member of one of the IABSE Task Group 6.1: Effects of Climate Change on Infrastructure and is currently supervising four PhD Students and one Masters Student in the area of risk and uncertainty modelling.
Universidad de Alicante (UA), Spain

Luis Aragonés Pomares is full Professor at the University of Alicante. B.Eng in Civil Engineering (1988), M.Eng. Civil Engineering by the University of Alicante in 2007, M.Eng in Materials, Water and Terrain (2012) and received his PhD. from the University of Alicante in 2015. Professionally, he has worked in construction companies for 20 years as a project manager. He is member of the Transport, Territory and Coastal Environment Engineering Research Group (AORTA research). His main research topics are focused on coastal management, littoral dynamics, marine geology and ports. He has been involved in regional public funded research projects and has led numerous contracts with private companies for research and consultancy. He has co-authored 31 publications in JCR journals, and 33 communications in national and international conferences.

José Ignacio Pagán Conesa obtained the degree in Civil Engineering (B. Eng.) by the Polytechnic University of Cartagena in 2010, M.Eng. Civil Engineering by the University of Alicante in 2015 and received his PhD. from the University of Alicante in 2018. He currently has a full-time position in the Department of Civil Engineering (University of Alicante) He is member of the Transport, Territory and Coastal Environment Engineering Research Group (AORTA research) of the UA where he participated in several projects to address the impacts of the anthropogenic actions on natural resources, environment and infrastructures in all those aspects related to transport, territory and the coastal environment. He is also a GIS expert. He has been involved in public funded research projects (1 EU projects, among regional projects). He is co-author of 13 publications in JCR journals, and 19 communications in national and international congresses.

Virgilio Gilart obtained his degree in computer engineering from the University of Alicante in 2001. From 2001 to 2003 he worked in the world of consultancy in the company Sinergia TecnolĂłgica (Grupo IT Deusto). In January 2004 he joined the University of Alicante where he obtained his PhD in 2010. has obtained more than 20 publications in journals, 15 of them indexed in the JCR, being 80% in journals between the first two quartiles. He has participated in 13 research projects in different fields, being a PI in two of them and in 12 technology transfer projects. In addition, he has two innovation awards from which he is working to start up a technology-based company. As a researcher he has participated in different national and regional projects, in two of which he has been the main researcher, and in international technology transfer projects.

Isabel LĂłpez Ăšbeda has an M.Eng. Civil Engineering (2013) and M.Eng in Materials, Water and Terrain (2014), received her PhD. from the University of Alicante in 2016. She currently has a full-time position in the Department of Civil Engineering (University of Alicante) She is member of the Transport, Territory and Coastal Environment Engineering Research Group (AORTA research) of the UA. Her main research topics are focused on nearshore processes, equilibrium beach profile, water quality, wave dynamics and currents. She has been involved in several public funded research projects. She is co-author of 33 publication in JCR journals, and 18 communications in national and international congresses.

Diego Marcos Jorquera obtained his degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Alicante in 1999, where he has been working since 2004 in the Computer and Information Technology Department. In 2010 he defended his doctoral thesis “Massive Information Dissemination in Network Management Models. Application to High Availability Services on the Internet”, where he proposes a model that incorporates within the current network management systems, the dissemination of information in an efficient and scalable way, avoiding an impact on the managed network. He has 11 publication in JCR journals, 24 communications in national and international congresses and participate in 8 national and regional projects.

Ignacio Toledo Sepulcre is a PhD student in the area of Coastal Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Alicante (UA). He has a degree and a Master's degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Alicante. He is awarded the best record of his promotion in Bachelor's and Master's degrees. He has been hired by the UA to work as a senior technician in the SCORE Project performing the following functions: mapping extreme weather events and evolution of the coastline through the use of GIS, collaborating in the design and implementation of sustainable strategies developed in the city of Benidorm, collaboration in the preparation and attendance of meetings and seminars, and preparation and management of documentary information.

Antonio Omar Cerdán Céspedes is a cybersecurity master 's degree student of the University of Alicante(UA) and licensed in computer engineering with the route of information technologies in the University of Alicante. Hired by the UA as a technician in the SCORE project performing the following tasks: retrieval and processing of the necessary information for the calculation of the beach indicators, positioning and traceability system for the different management resources of the beach,and development and integration of resource and incident through phone apps.
Consorzio LAMMA, Italy

Alberto Ortolani (PhD) is senior researcher at the Institute of BioEconomy at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IBE). He is also head of the Atmospheric division at Consorzio LaMMA. He received a master’s degree in physics at the University of Florence with a thesis on stellar X-ray spectroscopy. Soon moved to remote sensing and atmospheric physics and then received a PhD in “Physical modelling for environment protection” at the University of Bologna. His main research interests are: GNSS, satellite and radar meteorology; measurement of opportunity for precipitation and water vapour; data assimilation in meteorological models; development of meteo-based services. He is a contract professor at the University of Florence, for the master’s degree in Physics and Astrophysics Sciences.

Carlo Brandini (PhD) is Head of the Division for Research and Innovation in Oceanography at the LaMMA Consortium. He has a permanent position as a researcher at the Institute for BioEconomy of CNR, and he’s contributed since 2001 to the activities of Oceanography at LaMMA and in particular, since 2003, to the development of a laboratory-based in Livorno where he gave a major contribution to the implementation of a regional ocean observing and forecasting system. His major expertise is in the fields of coastal dynamics, ocean modelling at coastal scales, modelling of diffuse pollution, maritime surveillance and safety. He managed a number of projects funded in the framework of INTERREG Italy-France EU maritime and MED programs, such as IMPACT (Cross border-actions to evaluate the impact of ports on MPAs, 2017-2020), MAREGOT (MAnagement of Risks of coastal erosions and governance actions, 2017- 2020), GIAS (Management of risks of difficult predictability at sea, 2019-2022), SINAPSI (Safety in port areas, 2019-2022), SICOMAR PLUS (2018-2021), a large strategic project on the safety of navigation in which he gave a major contribution to the implementation of technical activities. He is also responsible for LaMMA of the project SHAREMED (2019-2022), founded on the Interreg-MED program, for the sharing of data procedures and tools to address the needs of pollution monitoring for the Mediterranean Area. He represented CNR in the “Ocean Features & Sea Regions” working group of the INSPIRE initiative.

Manuela Corongiu (PhD), received her master’s degree in civil engineering at the University of Cagliari-Italy in 1997. Until 2006 she worked on the “IntesaGIS” project for Italian specifications on geotopographic databases. Since 2011 she has been a permanent researcher at the Consorzio LaMMA. She carries out projects on geomatics aspects and standards (i.e. ISO TC/211 19118 and 19144-2 editing Committees) and spatial database design and spatial data infrastructure management. In 2021, she obtained the Degree of Doctor Europaeus (PhD) in "International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering – Resource and Sustainability".
Sligo County Council, Ireland

Pete Murtagh has been working in the area of environmental protection for over 20 years, and has extensive experience in waste & resource management and environmental awareness, as well as enforcement of environmental legislation. Currently employed in the energy efficiency & climate action area where he has been involved in the development & implementation of Sligo County Council’s Climate Adaptation Strategy, as well as ongoing changes with regard to energy management. He holds a B.Sc. in Environmental Science & a Post Grad. Dip. in Environmental Protection, both from IT Sligo. LinkedIn profile

Daniel Conway has recently commenced working in Sligo County Council as a Climate Action Graduate. He is a part of the Smart Control of Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities (SCORE) project, led by IT Sligo. He has completed a Masters in Climate Change at Maynooth University in July 2020 and a awarded a 2:1 result. He also holds a Second-Class Honours Grade II (2:1) BA in Geography and Business from Maynooth University. His primary interest includes climate resilience & adaptation and agriculture where he recently commenced the Teagasc Distance Education Green Cert Course.

RĂłisĂn Curran obtained a BSc (Hons) Environmental Science from University College Cork in 2018, and went on to complete MSc Sustainable Environments from National University of Ireland, Galway in 2020. During her thesis for this master, she became interested in the community engagement and involvement within the planning of large renewable energy infrastructure projects in Ireland. This led her to work as a research assistant in University College Cork, working within the Cleaner Promotion Production Unit on H2020 REALISE project. She is currently working in the Climate Action section of Sligo County Council, where her works span many broad areas including biodiversity enhancement, energy monitoring and decarbonisation activities. Although not currently working for an academic institution, she is passionate about climate resilience and adaptation research and the involvement of communities in scientific activities and decision-making processes. LinkedIn profile | ResearchGate

Aitor Mingo is a project manager at Naider, Spain. In 2015 he finished his bachelor thesis in life cycle assessment calculation for different livestock management within the LIFE REGEN Farming project (Regenerative Farming). He graduated in the Joint European Master in Environmental Science, Cities and Sustainability (JEMES CiSu) Erasmus Mundus International Master in Science program. He finished his master thesis in 2018 analyzing a comparation between top-down public politics and bottom-up practices in self managed communities for the ecological transition. During his stay at the National University of Costa Rica, he also developed Climate Change diagnosis, and strategies for the municipalities. Currently, as a project manager in NAIDER he is involved in local and regional projects about urban development, climate impact, circular economy, energy transition, and local sustainability. He also participates in several environmental communication and environmental education projects and in environmental protection social movements at a local and regional level.
In the context of SCORE, Aitor is working on the definition of the Pilot Operational Plans of the Coastal City Living Labs and, on the evaluation, and implementation of the Ecosystem Based Approaches . LinkedIn profile

Asier Undabeitia is a technical consultant for NAIDER. He holds a masters’ degree in Economic Analysis from The University of the Basque Country (Spain) and Business Consulting from the University of Comillas (Spain). Asier graduated from Hastings College (USA) in 2018 with bachelors’ degrees in Economics and International Relations. He has been part of several projects developing statistical tools dealing with the application of some of the latest technologies as the IRB risk method. He has been a part of innovative governance projects in order to promote rural development through the application of circular economy based models and policies. Now, Asier is part of several local and international projects related to urban development, sustainability, and climate change.
In the context of SCORE, Asier is working on the definition of the Pilot Operational Plans of the Coastal City Living Labs. LinkedIn profile

Jokin Etxebarria is an Economist with an MSc in Business & Management and a Master's degree in Circular Economy. He has experience in competitiveness and innovation projects within the public and private sectors. At Naider, he is the Manager of the economic development and innovation area. He coordinates projects related to the economic development and governance of territories, innovation processes, and the implementation of the circular economy in territories and organizations. Prior to joining Naider, he worked for the main financial institutions of the Spanish banking system preparing and monitoring the Strategic Plans, making financial forecasts monitoring indicators, and reporting to the executive management and the board of directors.
In the context of SCORE, Jokin is working on the definition of the Pilot Operational Plans of the Coastal City Living Labs. LinkedIn profile

Juan Iglesias is the Manager of the Naider Ecological Transition Area. He has a Bachelor of Environmental Sciences and Master in City and Urbanism, and has professional experience in international organizations. He stands out for having carried out environmental positioning projects for Basque municipalities, and the development of regional strategies in the field of the environment. Moreover, he has developed tools and simulators related to Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change, as well as the writing of reports and environmental advice for local and regional entities.
In the context of SCORE, Juan is working on the definition of the Pilot Operational Plans of the Coastal City Living Labs and, on the evaluation, and implementation of the Ecosystem Based Approaches. LinkedIn profile

Juan Capeáns is a Senior Urban and Regional Economist and Project Manager at NAIDER with an MSc in Urban and Regional Planning from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and an MBA in Multilateral Project Management from the Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX-CECO). With more than 12 years of research and project management experience working in international organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) of UN-Habitat. He is also experienced in the management and implementation of Horizon 2020 projects such as SENATOR (Smart Network Operator Platform enabling Shared, Integrated and more Sustainable Urban Freight Logistics), REZBUILD (REfurbishment decision making platform through advanced technologies for near Zero energy BUILDing renovation), or BELENUS (Lowering Costs by Improving Efficiencies in Biomass Fueled Boilers: New Materials and Coatings to Reduce Corrosion).
In the context of SCORE, Juan is working on the definition of the Pilot Operational Plans of the Coastal City Living Labs. LinkedIn profile

Marta Iturriza, Mechanical Engineer (2015, Ph.D. 2020), is a project manager at Naider, Spain. In 2016 she finished her master thesis in industrial management and after working in the industry she started her Ph.D. related to developing climate awareness in the city resilience building process. Her research interests include complex system modelling, urban management, and resilience. She has participated in European H2020 projects such as Smart Mature Resilience to build resilient cities or ENGAGE concerning the enhancement of societal resilience. She has also worked in the LIFE-Urban Klima project focused on nature-based solutions and social science in the Basque region. Currently, as a project manager, she is involved in local and international projects about urban development, climate impact, circular economy, and sustainability. You can find her work published in journals like Cities, Urban Climate and Sustainability.
In the context of SCORE, Marta is coordinating Naider’s task and working on the definition of the Pilot Operational Plans of the Coastal City Living Labs. LinkedIn profile

Sara Soloaga is an environmental technician for NAIDER. She has a Bachelor of Environmental Sciences and holds Masters´ degrees in Integrated Coastal Zone Management from the University of Cádiz (Spain) and Primatology by the University of Girona (Spain). Sara has professional experience in international field work, analysing and monitoring several ecosystems in order to protect and help to restore them with adequate management. She has also worked on environmental education projects. Now, Sara is part of several projects of regional development strategies in the field of the environment, as well as projects related to advise institutions and organizations on their ecological transition in sustainability and climate change areas.
In the context of SCORE, Sara is working on the evaluation and implementation of the Ecosystem Based Approaches. LinkedIn profile

Carlos Cuerda is an Urban and Regional Economist. He is graduated in Economics and Business Sciences from the University of the Basque Country and a Master in Urban and Regional. He is a founding partner and general coordinator of NAIDER, a think & do platform for encouraging local and regional development. He has also been a co-founder of a business incubator, a technology company, and two non-profit associations dealing with innovation and climate change.
Carlos has been involved in a number of planning processes in the areas of urban-regional development and business competitiveness to promote innovation, entrepreneurship, and collaborative governance. In the areas of ecological and sustainable transitions, he has led strategy and intervention activities aimed at promoting eco-urbanism, circular economy, and eco-innovation in general.
In the context of SCORE, Carlos is working on the coordination and management of the project. LinkedIn profile
University of Gdansk (UG), Poland

Jacek Barańczuk is an assistant professor and a university teacher at the Institute of Geography in Coastal City Living Lab, University of Gdańsk, Poland. He specializes in environmental monitoring, application of GIS in geography and spatial management (presentation of natural, social, and economic phenomena), physical geography. He is the author of over 50 papers in Polish and English and he is the author, co-author, or editor of four books. Jacek Barańczuk has participated in a few scientific trainings, expertises, research projects, and implementations.
In the context of SCORE, Jacek is Living Lab Manager and researcher who is responsible for the substantive and organizational activities of Gdańsk CCLL. ResearchGate

Maciej Markowski is a Post-doctoral assistant professor teacher at the Institute of Geography in Coastal City Living Lab, University of Gdańsk, Poland. His master degree, as well as PhD, were focused on hydrology aspects for functioning and stability of lobelia lakes. Besides of extensive hydrology and limnology knowledge gained during almost 15 years of University career, his interests and researches are closely related to different aspects of GIS, Remote Sensing, Data Science, ETL, Data Transformation, and Data Analysis. In the Department of Geography at the University of Gdańsk, he is responsible for providing professional courses of the usability of GIS technology in environmental research. Also scientifically, he is still involved in research in the field of broadly understood lake hydrology. His scientific and technical experience is widely used in a variety of research projects.
In the context of SCORE, Maciej is a researcher who supports the team in data collection, analysis, mapping, and contributes to the various WPs. ResearchGate

Włodzimierz Golus is a Post-doctoral assistant professor at the Institute of Geography in Coastal City Living Lab, University of Gdańsk, Poland. His main field of interest is the functioning of small water bodies and their catchments in post-glacial landscape. Włodzimierz has a master's degree in limnology and focused on the hydrological role of small water bodies in the large catchment. He continued his research on ponds and small periodic streams and their role in the matter cycle in small lake-and-river systems and as a result, he obtained Ph.D. at the University of Gdańsk. He has almost 15 years of experience in the field of hydrology and limnology. Recently, he also focuses on the hydrological balance of river mouths and sea and characteristics of small reservoirs in the urban areas and expands his interest in his educational work with international students.
In the context of SCORE, WĹ‚odziemierz is a researcher who supports the team in data collection, analysis and contributes to the various WPs. ResearchGate

Katarzyna Barańczuk  holds MSc. in geography from the University of Gdansk. She is an assistant and a PhD student at the Institute of Geography in Coastal City Living Lab, University of Gdańsk, Poland. Her field of research covers physical limnology, environmental analysis and monitoring. She is the co-author of few articles.
In the context of SCORE, Katarzyna, is a PhD student who manages and coordinates the CCLL activities. ResearchGate
MBI Srl, Italy

Attilio Vaccaro is the head of Special Projects in MBI. He holds an MS degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Pisa (1998) and is specialized in satellite communications systems. In MBI, since the foundation (2001), he covered several positions including coordination of OAM and Multimedia teams. In the last few years, he's been working on smart technologies and solutions based on satellite communications systems for rain-sensing. As Innovation Manager in the SCORE project, he will be involved in most technical WPs with a specific focus on sensing technologies. LinkedIn Profile

Antonello Casula is a system integrator in the PowerSchedO team since 2010. He holds an MS degree in Computer Science from the University of Pisa (2002). PowerSchedO is an advanced decision support system: Antonello designs, develops, installs, integrates, and maintains the entire infrastructure of the application. He uses Pyhton to retrieve and manage data used by the PowerSchedO models. His interests include parallel and distributed computing and databases. Within the SCORE project, Antonello contributes to the WP8 by designing and implementing the Digital Twin platform and the Early Warning System. Linkedin Profile

Andrea Rucci is a member of the Business Analytics and Optimization team of MBI. He holds a PhD in Physics obtained in 2019 at the University of Pisa with research interest on numerical simulations in theoretical Physics. His fields of expertise are data analysis, statistical modelling, forecasting and mathematical optimization. In particular, his work is focused on the application in the electrical power industry. Within the SCORE project, Andrea contributes to the WP8 and is involved in the modelling and development of the Digital Twin platform and the GIS Based Early Warning Support subsystem. Linkedin Profile

Elena Salsi is a visual communication designer at MBI with strong experience in European research and innovation funded projects. At MBI, Elena takes care of the entire graphic design process: from the visualizing and creating imagery to the logo design, from the websites' implementation to enhancing the technology results communication through illustrations and concept graphics. Within the SCORE project, Elena designed the logo, the brand manual, the visual identity relating to social networks, the documents layout, the icons, and the infographics.
Oarsoaldea S.A, Spain

Ainara Lasarte is the Responsible of the Urban Regeneration Area, Mobility and Energy of Oarsoaldea. Ainara holds a Bachelor¨s Degree in Engineering of Ports, Canals and Roads, together with a wide experience in sustainability projects closely related to water, coast and energy at both national and international levels. Over the past four years, she has coordinated and developed different projects at the local and regional level, including projects focused on the regeneration of rivers against flooding, designs of commercial and sports ports, and energy projects. Furthermore, she has performed inter-institutional coordination and management tasks
She will be the main contributor of Oarsoaldea to the SCORE Project, including the co-leadership of the Basque CCLL.

Fernando Nebreda DĂaz de Espada is the Manager of Oarsoaldea and President of Garapen, the Professional Association of Development Agencies of the Basque Country. Spain. Fernando holds a Bachelor´s Degree in Law and a Master´s Degree in Business Management. He possesses more than 25 years of experience at Oarsoaldea, coordinating and leading the different departments of the agency, working in different areas including territorial and economic development, mobility, regeneration, and cooperation.

Marta Olaizola has a Degree in Political Science and Administration with a postgraduate degree in labor relations. She has been working in the communication department of Oarsoaldea for 18 years, participating in various projects at the local and regional levels, many of them related to energy and cooperation issues. She has been involved in various national and international projects at the European Commission. In the Score project, she will be in charge of communication, dissemination of the project, and organization of the workshops.

Beatriz Brosa is the Director of the Economic and Territorial Development Strategy of Oarsoaldea, and will act as a support agent of the Basque CCLL and as an inter-institutional relationship agent. Beatriz holds a Bachelor´s degree in Business Management and a Master´s Degree in Financial Management for Companies. She possesses more than 20 years of experience in this development agency as responsible for different departments. She holds a wide experience in the areas of entrepreneurship, companies, strategy, and project management related to urban and economic development.
Xabier Sesma Korta is Sustainability Officer of Oarsoaldea Development Agency, offering public service in the Energy Office of the county. Xabier holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Sciences and a Master’s Degree in Agro-Environmental and Agro-Alimentary Sciences. In addition, he is doing a Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and History. Xabier is one of the members of the core team of Oarsoaldea CCLL as “Human Interaction Specialist” in SCORE.
Camara Municipal de Oeiras, Portugal
Coming soon
University College Dublin, Ireland

Yuri Calleo is a PhD student at the University College Dublin, School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy with experience in social research and social statistics. Yuri has a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a Master’s degree in Social research from University “G. D’Annunzio”, Chieti-Pescara.
Among his research interests, Yuri focuses on Future Studies and Foresight, with particular interests in Scenario development process and decision-making models for studies on the environment and society. Also, Yuri is focusing on social networks research with statistical and computational analysis.
In the context of SCORE, Yuri is focusing on the scientific deliverables with a research position, contributing to the citizen science and low-cost sensing activities. ResearchGate

Chiara Cocco is a post-doctoral research fellow in the Spatial Dynamics Lab, within the UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy. Her research focuses on the use of digital technologies for citizens engagement in the observation and interpretation of local data, and on the development of geodesign methods to support co-design processes. She has a master’s degrees in Architecture, and a PhD from University of Cagliari, Italy, that explored the use of log files recorded by information systems supporting collaborative planning processes to monitor and understand design dynamics with the aim of improving future processes and existing digital tools. For the last two years, she worked in the EU Interreg “Coastal Communities Adapting Together” (CCAT) project, led by UCD, where she has been involved in planning and delivering citizen engagement activities to support Irish Sea coastal communities in understanding climate change and how they can adapt. Linkedin Profile | Research Gate
RED SpA, Italy

Gianbattista Bussi is a hydrological risk specialist at RED. He is interested in flood and drought hazard mapping, fluvial and coastal flood modelling, hydrological modelling and flood risk assessment. His current work is mainly focused on the analysis of flood and drought impacts and risks, as well as on the development of real-time, or near real-time, tools for the rapid assessment of the impacts of severe rainfall events and tropical cyclones. In his work, he employs the most up-to-date techniques for data acquisition and processing, including satellite information and reanalysis products, to estimate the damages caused by natural disasters.
In the context of SCORE, Gianbattista is working on the definition of strategies to increase the financial resilience of coastal cities. LinkedIn profile

Paola Ceresa is project manager of risk-related projects at RED. She was involved in several national and international projects of the Civil Protection and the European Commission. She was Deputy Coordinator of the FP7-SASPARM project and Research Unit Coordinator of the DG-ECHO SASPARM 2.0 project for seismic risk mitigation in Palestine. She is the Deputy Coordinator of the World Bank’s engagement with the consortium of experts led by RED under the EU-funded Program “Strengthening Financial Resilience and Accelerating Risk Reduction in Central Asia” (SFRARR) for developing a regionally consistent risk assessment for earthquakes, floods and selective landslide scenario analysis in Central Asia.
In the context of SCORE, Paola is working on the definition of strategies to increase the financial resilience of coastal cities. LinkedIn profile

Gabriele Coccia is a hydrological risk specialist and software developer at RED since 2015. Gabriele has a great passion for coding. His current work is mainly focused on developing hydrological, flood, excess rain and tropical cyclone risk models to support the insurance and reinsurance markets. He also develops user-friendly graphical interfaces to make models more suitable for non-technical users. Gabriele has also knowledge about the analysis of flood impact and parametric risk modelling for the rapid assessment of the impact of catastrophic events. In his work, he employs several programming languages, including Python, R, Java, C++, Fortran as well as web developing languages, such as Django, PHP and JavaScript.
In the context of SCORE, Gabriele is working on the definition of strategies to increase the financial resilience of coastal cities. LinkedIn profile

Simona Denaro is an environmental engineer and joined RED in 2020. Between 2017 and 2020 she worked as a postdoc at UNC Chapel Hill in the Center on Financial Risk in Environmental Systems. Her past work revolves around the integrated use of environmental engineering and economics to explore diversified strategies to characterize and manage systems vulnerability to risk in order to enable progress and resilient innovation. Simona holds an M.Sc degree in environmental engineering and a Ph.D. in information technology from Politecnico di Milano.
In the context of SCORE, Simona is working on the definition of strategies to increase the financial resilience of coastal cities. LinkedIn profile

Mario Martina is the head of the Department of Science, Technology and Society, the coordinator of the inter-university doctoral course on Sustainable Development and Climate Change (PhD - SDC) and full professor in hydrology at the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia. He is scientific advisor of RED on the risk assessment for weather-related hazards. His research interests include: risk modelling for weather-related hazards, applications of risk models in the insurance and re-insurance industry, assessment of the socio-economic impacts of climate change and disaster risk financing mechanisms. He teaches courses on natural hazard risk modelling to undergraduates and to master/PhD students. He has been the supervisor of more than 20 PhD students.
In the context of SCORE, Mario is the scientific advisor of the RED team. LinkedIn profile

Raymundo Rangel Parra, PhD in hydrology and water resources management with Cum Laude mention by the University of Santiago de Compostela. He works as Environmental Risk Modeller at RED, applying hard skills such as programming language, GIS software, remote sensing data processing, data analysis, statistics and geostatistics and hydrological simulations. On his background, he has been working in water resources since 2007 in Mexico and Spain, collaborating with multidisciplinary colleagues and partners, in university research and private environmental laboratories. His work has been focused in understanding the environmental resources usage, sampling, life cycle analysis, spatial distribution and simulation for current and future conditions, looking for better management.
In context of SCORE, Raymundo is working on the definition of strategies to increase the financial resilience of coastal cities. LinkedIn profile
Samsun University, Turkey

Neslihan Beden is an Assistant Professor at the University of Samsun Meteorological Engineering Department, Turkey. She is a Civil Engineer (Hydraulics) and she holds a Ph.D. was in flood modeling and flood risk assessments in catchments. She is interested in modeling flood damage processes, flood hazard mapping, drought analysis, and climate change. She lectures Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Economy, and Disaster Management in her department.
In the context of SCORE, Neslihan is leading the University of Samsun (SAMU) research team as the main researcher and she is the manager of the Coastal City Living Lab of Samsun. Neslihan is also an amateur guitarist and a Korean Language student. LinkedIn l ResearchGate

Sema Arıman is an Associate Professor at the Department of Meteorological Engineering at the University of Samsun, Turkey. She obtained her degree in Environmental Engineering from the Ondokuz Mayıs University in 1997, where she worked until 2010 in the Department of Environmental Engineering. His master degree, as well as Ph.D., were focused on the river and marine sediment pollution, transport and treatment. Her research interests concern marine and inland water environments, water pollution and control, sediment pollution, environmental monitoring, water resources management, climate change, and remote sensing. She has been involved in several public and international funded research projects. In the context of SCORE, Sema is a researcher who supports the team in data collection, analysis and contributes to the various WPs. LinkedIn

Nazire Göksu Soydan Oksal is an Assistant Professor in the Civil Engineering Department of Mersin University. She is a Civil Engineer and holds her Ph.D. on Hydraulic Modeling. She also lectures Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Fluid Mechanics in her department.  Her academic research focuses on hydraulic modeling, climate change, and drought analysis.
In the context of SCORE, Göksu is a researcher who supports the team in modeling analysis, data collecting, and contributes to the various WPs. LinkedIn l ResearchGate

Vahdettin Demir is an Assistant Professor at the University of KTO Karatay, Civil Engineering Department, Turkey. Vahdettin Demir's areas of expertise are flood modeling, remote sensing, water management, environmental protection, machine learning, and data forecasting. Dr. Demir graduated from Gumushane University Civil and Surveying Engineering departments with high honors. He completed his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, MSc in Civil Engineering, and second MSc in Surveying Engineering and continues his second Ph.D. in Surveying Engineering at Mersin University. Dr. Demir has more than 100 publications, 8 projects, and 600 citations, and is an editor at MDPI Geosciences. In the context of SCORE, Dr. Demir is a researcher in flood modeling analysis, supporting the team in data collection and contributing to various WPs. LinkedIn l ResearchGate
DiputaciĂł de Barcelona, Spain

Sara Martuscelli holds an MSc in Political and international relations. She also holds a master’s degree in European politics for cooperation. Originally from Italy, she has more than 10 years’ experience working within DIBA in the field of international relations, especially within Latin America, and in European Project management. She recently joined the Environmental Department, giving support in the financial and technical management of European projects and international initiatives.

Rafa Ocaña has an MEng in Industrial Organization. He has more than 20 years of professional experience, mainly in support of local environmental planning and management from Barcelona Provincial Council. He also has extensive experience in participation and organization of events and international projects on local environment, sustainability, and mitigation of climate change. Based in Mexico City from 2013 to 2018, where he worked as coordinator of the 2nd International Workshop on Waste Management, coordinator of the Latin American Network of Solid Waste Management, and environmental consultant, participating in the update of the Climate Action Plan of Mexico City, compatible with the Paris Agreement, in cooperation with C40. In September 2018 he rejoined the environmental department of Barcelona Provincial Council, where he works supporting local governments in the promotion of sustainable mobility, in European projects, and to tackle energy poverty.

Núria Parpal holds an MSc in Biology. She has more than 20 years’ experience working within DIBA Environmental Department team, currently with the responsibility of Head of the Local Environmental Planning section (since 2016), managing and coordinating different environmental issues: waste management, water supply, urban green infrastructure, mobility, SDG and 2030 Agenda, etc. and expert in studies, planning and governance for adaptation to climate change in the territory. Work experience includes: Technical managing of different European projects, such as LIFE CLINOMICS, SPP Regions (Horizon 2020), EURONET 50/50max, SERPENTE (Interreg). Direction of several Local action plans for sustainable energy and climate. Previously has worked on development and implementation of Local Agendas 21, elaboration of systems of indicators of local sustainability, etc.

Conchita VicarĂa holds an MSc in Biology. She also holds a Master's degree in environmental consulting and verification. Conchita has more than twelve years of experience working within DIBA Environmental Department team. She has managed local waste projects and supported local waste management, reduction projects, and circular economy, since 2009. She also participates in the development of sustainability and climate change adaptation plans in the territory. She has previously worked on the development and implementation of Local Agendas 21 in the province of Barcelona.
Carlos González has an MSc in Economy and is an expert and Program Manager of Economic Analysis at Diputació de Barcelona. Carlos promotes green economy and circular economy among local authorities. He is trained in the legal framework of public procurement procedures and financial management of European projects. His work experiences include collaborating with Diputació de Barcelona Working Group on Resources Optimization, promoting the development of Local Agenda 21, developing supramunicipal cooperation in sustainable subjects and managing European Projects since 2002 (including financial and technical aspects) - retired
DĂşn Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (DLRCOCO), Ireland
Coming soon
Euronovia, France

Laura De Nale graduated in International Relations at the University for Foreigners of Perugia (Italy). After a first experience as a European project assistant at the Regional Union of Veneto’s Chambers of Commerce in Brussels and at the Enterprise Europe Network office in Venice, she worked as a European Project Manager for a consultancy firm in the south of France, where she managed several EU-funded projects addressing S&T cooperation between Europe and Africa. In 2016 Laura joined the Université de Paris where she oversaw the coordination of a four-year European Joint Doctorate funded under the Marie Curie Actions (MSCA-ITN-EJD). Laura joined Euronovia in April 2021 as leader of communication and dissemination for three H2020 projects: SCORE, FLOATECH and Co-UDlabs. She is also involved in writing research, development and innovation projects funded by Horizon Europe (RIA, MSCA). LinkedIn profile

Virginie Robin manages a team of consultants who work closely with laboratories, public institutions and companies to obtain European funding for their projects and support them for communication and dissemination actions. She has been working for more than 15 years in this field, as European project engineer and manager at CNRS and as policy officer for European and international affairs at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. In 2014, she created Euronovia, which has become one of the top experts for organizations willing to develop their activities in Europe and at the International level. She is also a founding member of the European Association of Innovation Consultants. Linkedin profile

Maëva Voltz is a consultant in EU funding at Euronovia. She has a background in international communication and several years of experience with EU collaborative projects. For SCORE, she is involved in the communication and dissemination activities of the project (WP9). Linkedin profile
Science and Research Centre (SRC/ZRS), Slovenia

Cécil Meulenberg is a biomedical researcher with a PhD in neurotoxicity from The Netherlands with experience in neurotoxicology, neurobiology, audiology, oncology and kinesiology, with teaching experience on the interrelation between the consumption of whole foods, digestion, physiology, brain function, and behaviour. In 2008 he moved to Slovenia. Living in the Mediterranean and his appointment as researcher at ZRS Koper since 2017 inspires him to develop interdisciplinary projects with a focus on sustainable food systems that focus on marine aquacultures, their impact on the environment and the ecosystem services they provide, and the promotion of various aspects of the balanced Mediterranean lifestyle: high nutritious sustainably-produced food – outdoors physical activity – high environmental awareness – balanced corresponding ecosystem values. He has an interinstitutional part-time research position at the Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia: the Institute for Kinesiology Research and the Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies, of which the latter covers the SCORE execution duties and where, since July 2022 he coordinates ZRS Koper’s part for Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities – SCORE, initializing Piran’s Coastal City Living laboratory (CCLL) that unites Piran quadruple stakeholders to discuss the co-creation and co-design of nature-based/ecosystem-based and smart approaches to address urban climate adaptation feasible for Piran. LinkedIn profile | ResearchGate

Erik Kralj received his Master's degree at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, in Geography. He has been with ZRS Koper and SCORE since 2022 as a Young Researcher working on climate adaptation. He is enrolled as a Geography PhD student at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor with his PhD thesis title "Climate resilience of Slovenian coastal towns". He has been moderating the Piran CCLL as wells as co-authoring several papers dealing with the early challenges of the Piran CCLL and a recent scientific publication regarding the temporally and spatially mapped patterns of coastal flooding of the Piran Peninsula and its historic town centre. LinkedIn profile | ResearchGate
Both Cécil and Erik are intensively executing the activities within the Piran’s Coastal City Living Lab and for inquiries regarding SCORE’s EBA implementation; sensor deployment; museum map (all covered more in detail at Piran CCLL Geostory available in English, Slovenian and Italian), can be contacted at
Serveis de Suport a la GestiĂł (ENT), Spain

LuĂs Campos Rodrigues is an environmental consultant and researcher at ENT. He holds a PhD in Environmental Science and Technology from Autonomous University of Barcelona, a MSc in Sustainability from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and a degree in Economics from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (Portugal). He has participated in several projects addressing the socioeconomic impact and adaptation to climate change in urban, mountain, coastal and marine areas, as well as in the context of specific economic sectors (e.g., tourism, fisheries and aquaculture). Moreover, he has experience in the analysis of the interrelation between natural ecosystems, biodiversity and the economy, and in the areas of environmental taxation and municipal waste management. ResearchGate

Mar Riera Spiegelhalder is an environmental consultant and researcher at ENT. She is an Economist and MSc in Management and Promotion of Local Development. Her research is related to the field of local development and public policies. She has a relevant experience both as project manager and as researcher of European projects with particular emphasis on the analysis and territorial impact of economic activities, working closely with public authorities to develop and implement indicators contributing to monitor effective public policies. She is involved in the SCORE project to support in the socio-economic evaluation of climate change adaptation strategies and the elaboration of policy recommendations for analysed coastal zones. LinkedIn profile

Ignasi Puig Ventosa is the co-founder of ENT Environment and Management (2002), and of ENT Foundation (2010). He coordinates the areas of Environmental Economics and Waste. His specialities are economic environmental policies applied to different areas such as waste management, climate change, energy management and nature conservation. He holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, an Economics Degree from the UNED, an Industrial Engineering Degree from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and a Master of Science in Monitoring, Modelling and Management of Environmental Change from King’s College London. ResearchGate
TERO Consulting, Greece

Stratos Arampatzis is a researcher working on environmental sciences as well as on IT systems development. He has a relevant experience both as project manager and as researcher of European projects with particular emphasis on biodiversity resources. He is involved in the SCORE project to support research in ecosystem based assessment processes and in the respective data requirements, as well as in the elaboration of policy recommendations. ResearchGateÂ

Olympia Papadopoulou is an environmentalist, graduated from Brighton University. She has worked for several years in the field of environmental data management and for the last 16 years she is collaborating with Tero in the scientific & financial management of environmental EU projects and the dissemination of their results. She has been involved in approximately 25 European projects as well as national funding schemes. Fields of interest include biodiversity conservation, climate change, water management, urban mobility, plastic pollution, networking, and public engagement. ResearchGate

Iason Tamiakis is an urban planner graduated from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and holds an MSc on Transport Planning from the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds. Iason’s main interests settle at urban transportation projects that enhance cities and improve communities and more specifically Active Travel, Land Use and Transport interactions, ICT solutions, socio-economic issues, Appraisal Methods, as well as climate change. Iason has worked as a Research Associate at the Hellenic Institute of Transport (CERTH-HIT) and since 2018 is working in Tero for several European transport projects. LinkedIn profile
Technical University of Košice (TUKE), Slovakia
Coming soon
Pro. Ge. Com. S.r.l., Italy

Federico Binaglia is Head of Special Projects in public communication for municipalities and public authorities at Pro.Ge.Com. He has more than twenty years of experience in the design and development of innovative communication projects and in the management of public participatory processes. He is also Project Leader of “Cittadino Informato”, the first web GIS App in Italy specifically designed to streamline civil protection communication flows between municipalities and citizens. He introduced for the first time in Italy the design and management of participatory processes in the field of local civil protection planning. Progecom is partner of Anci Toscana, the association of municipalities, in the management of civil protection projects (support to planning and training). LinkedIn profile
ERINN Innovation Limited, Ireland

Jane Maher is a Senior Project Officer at ERINN Innovation. She has been working in science communication, including teaching in the area of climate change and societal challenges since 2014. She has a PhD in Geography from University of Dublin Trinity College (Ireland) which focused on gender mainstreaming in climate change adaptation policies across scale. She also has qualifications in Environment and Development (MSc) and Environmental Science (BSc). In her role at ERINN, Jane leads on communication, dissemination, capacity building and stakeholder engagement activities for numerous Horizon 2020 and EMFF projects. LinkedIn profile

Rochelle Caruso is a project officer at ERINN Innovation. She conducts the science communication and knowledge transfer for Horizon 2020 projects and supports ERINN's Horizon Europe training and proposal review programmes. Rochelle holds an MSc in Global Health from Maastricht University (Netherlands) with a focus on implementing innovations on a global scale. On SCORE, Rochelle’s work includes knowledge transfer of key ideas and developing lessons learnt associated with CCLL implementation. LinkedIn profile

Casey Borklund is a project officer at ERINN Innovation. In this role, she conducts science communication and knowledge transfer for various EU-funded projects and supports ERINN’s training programmes. Casey holds an MSc in Biodiversity Conservation from University of Dublin Trinity College (Ireland) where she researched effective community engagement in threatened ecosystems. She also has qualifications in Fish and Wildlife Conservation (BSc), and in Environmental Policy and Management (MSc Certificate). On SCORE, her work focuses on the knowledge transfer of the results of the project. LinkedIn profile
Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento (IST-ID), Portugal

Luis Angel Espinosa is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Climate Change Studies at the Association of Instituto Superior TĂ©cnico for Research and Development (IST-ID), Portugal. He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from the IST. He is a Civil Engineer with specialisation in Hydraulics (UNAM). His research focuses on changes in hydrological extremes, and on teleconnection of hydrological variables development (e.g. rainfall trends) and large-scale atmospheric modes (e.g. the North Atlantic Oscillation) likely in urban environments or coastal cities. He has experience in a large number of data mining techniques and tools for extracting trends, characteristics or rules from data which are relevant for Hydrology. LinkedIn profile | ResearchGate
City Council of Vilanova i la GeltrĂş, Spain

Gemma Rosset has a Degree in Biology and is specialized in marine biology, oceanography and ecological systems. She has more than 20 years of experience on ecological restoration of coastal ecosystems, public management of protected areas and sustainable tourism. She also has large experience in communication, environmental education, training, public awareness and social participation in environmental issues. This experience includes participation in regional, national and international level. Currently she is the Head of the environmental department of the City Council of Vilanova i la GeltrĂş. Among others she coordinates the promotion of the local strategies of Sustainability and energy and asses the city council in environmental policies.

Jordi Boada is an Engineering specialized in industrial electronics. He has more than 25 years of professional experience. Since 2004 he works at the environmental department of the City Council of Vilanova i la GeltrĂş on energy and environmental aspects such as air quality and soil pollution. Jordi is also the Head of the “Local Energy Agency”. This office, which belongs to the environmental department of the City Council of Vilanova i la GeltrĂş, promotes renewable energies and energy efficiency among the citizens and the city council itself.Â

Ester Toledo has a Degree on Environmental Sciences and a Master in Management of natural protected areas. She has more than 15 years of experience in environment and innovation. More concretely she has experience in environment management in private companies (impact assessment, environmental due diligence, mobility and consultancy) and in the promotion of innovation in the public sector (smart cities, gamification and living lab). She also has experience in proposal preparation and management of EU projects. She has recently joined the environmental department of the city council of Vilanova i la GeltrĂş.
European Network of Living Labs IVZW (ENoLL), Belgium

Marta De Los Rios White is a Senior Project Manager and Capacity Builder ENoLL. She is a Process Engineer with a Master in Sustainable Cities with international project management experience (South and North America, Africa, Europe). She has great experience in sustainable and participative process improvement and co-creation of solutions with a systemic and strategic thinking approach. She is an experienced project manager with many years of experience supporting the implementation of international cooperation projects for different donors and specially for the European Commission. Within SCORE her main focus is in WP2Â to develop the CCLL methodology and framework, together with supporting the other tasks of WP2. LinkedIn profileÂ
Aurora Agostinis is a Junior Project Manager at ENoLL, and her main role is to support the management and implementation of ENoLL projects and the preparation of proposals for competitive bids. She has completed her bachelor’s degree in Oriental Languages at La Sapienza University, specializing in Arabic and Persian. She is graduating in the master’s degree program in International Relations in the Digital Era at LUMSA University of Rome. Within SCORE her main focus is in WP2 to develop the CCLL methodology and framework, together with supporting the other tasks of WP2. LinkedIn profileÂ
Elina Makousiari is a Junior Project Manager at ENoLL. She is an Urban Resilience and Sustainability Planner (MEng), holding an MSc in Urban Environmental Management. Elina has gained international professional experience working on various projects, in academia, advisory and research. She has a strong background in sustainable and inclusive urban development, policy making and strategic planning, while she is familiar with Living Labs and co-creation in urban contexts. Elina’s core expertise is in urban management, strategic planning, as well as in policy making in the Global South and Europe. She has solid understanding upon various topics, including climate change, climate resilience, urban sustainability, intersectionality and placemaking, among others. Within SCORE, her main focus is in WP2 to develop the CCLL methodology and framework, together with supporting the other tasks of WP2. LinkedIn profileÂ
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy

Roberta Paranunzio is a Researcher of the Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) of the CNR. She holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering from Politecnico di Torino. Her research deals with climate change impacts on natural hazards in hotspots areas. She is interested in the study of climate triggers related to natural hazards and understanding of risks of climate-related impacts by assessing the interaction of hazards with vulnerability and exposure aspects. In the context of SCORE, she works on climate data retrieving and testing tools, and collaborates on citizen science data validation and assessment of integrated early warning support and spatial digital twins. Linkedin profile

Elisa Adirosi is a Researcher at the Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) of the CNR. She received the Ph.D. in environmental and hydraulic engineering from the Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) in 2015. Her research activities are related with the understanding of precipitation microphysics through observations from in-situ devices and the improvement of precipitation retrieval from remote sensing measurements. In the context of SCORE, she collaborates in the validation of the citizen science data through comparison with conventional sensors and in the validation of the scenarios developed within the digital twin.