Assessing the impacts of coastal and riverine urban floods in the future climate, results from the SCORE project

SCORE project partners from ATU, Consorzio Lamma, CNR have presented a paper at the EGU General Assembly 2024It is available in open access


Assessing the local effects of climate change on coastal areas, and in particular on coastal cities and settlements, is one of the greatest challenges facing our society, aimed at finding innovative and sustainable solutions to increase the resilience of coastal communities to adverse climatic actions. In particular, the use of climate data is crucial for defining a downscaling strategy that starts with climate services on a global scale and goes on to define impacts on a local scale. A comprehensive ‘global to local’ approach is fundamental to envisage coastal flooding problems.


Title: Assessing the impacts of coastal and riverine urban floods in the future climate, results from the SCORE project

Authors: Carlo Brandini, Michele Bendoni, Francesca Caparrini, Andrea Cucco, Stefano Taddei, Massimo Perna, Alberto Ortolani, Iulia Anton, Roberta Paranunzio and Salem Gharbia

Cite as: Carlo Brandini, Michele Bendoni, Francesca Caparrini, Andrea Cucco, Stefano Taddei, Massimo Perna, Alberto Ortolani, Iulia Anton, Roberta Paranunzio, & Salem Gharbia. (2024, septembre 5). Assessing the impacts of coastal and riverine urban floods in the future climate, results from the SCORE project.


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