Multi-Satellite Rain Sensing: Design Criteria and Implementation Issues

Multi-Satellite Rain Sensing: Design Criteria and Implementation Issues


SCORE project partners from UNIPI, MBI, and CNR presented a paper at the 3rd URSI Atlantic and Asia Pacific Radio Science Meeting. It is available in open access


In this paper, we propose a novel opportunistic multisatellite sensor system which overcomes the limitations of the conventional single-satellite solutions of the literature. The considerable robustness to the possible unavailability of some satellites, besides being well suited for powerful 2D reconstruction techniques of the rain field, makes it an appealing solution for experimental tests within national and EU-funded research projects.


Title: Multi-Satellite Rain Sensing: Design Criteria and Implementation Issues

Authors: Giannetti, F., Vaccaro, A., Sapienza, F., Bacci, G., Lottici, V., & Baldini, L.

Cite as: Giannetti, F., Vaccaro, A., Sapienza, F., Bacci, G., Lottici, V., & Baldini, L. (2022, juillet 6). Multi-Satellite Rain Sensing: Design Criteria and Implementation Issues.


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